Can y'all use relevant tag? (TO ALL RP ADMINS)


The title has said it, but let me explain a bit. 

I know you want to attract more members to join your rp. But often than not, rather than make people interested to join, you just give people headache. 

For example, I want to join roleplay on facebook platform. So I search through tag facebookroleplay. But what do I get? Sometimes some rp not even mention on the title about their platform so I have to look through the whole rules to see what platform you use. 

Am I interested to join your rp now? Obviously not. 

Please, to make it easier for us all. Use relevant tags only! If you fbrp, use fbrp tags, not twitterrp mewerp it's so confusing. 


Please hear me out, rp admins! 



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