CP + Trip to Japan!

Hello everyone!

So I'm trying to be able to go to Japan this summer. It's for a week. We would be going to Tokyo, then travelling up to Hokkaido. I want to take this trip because, I am so interested in the culture and history. And that's what I'm doing my Senior Project on: Japanese Culture and Tourism. I thought this would be a great, fun way to learn more about the country. So a program through the high schools in my school district are getting a group of students to take this summer. I'm the 4th person to sign up for this.

But the thing is I need $2900-$3300 for this trip. 

I have part of the money already, but I still have a long ways to go. 

I need some ideas on how to raise money for this trip. Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

I'm just so stressed out about this, considering we aren't exactly rich or anything...*glares at the piles of bills on the table, including my mother* 

But like I said, your suggestions woud be really helpful. 


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Maybe try to find a part time job? Or try to sell some stuff.
I hope that you will make it! I would really like to travel to Japan and I'm happy to hear that someone else is doing so.