𝓓𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓼 / MIMI'S TERRORS (work in progress. altering lineup)

Hi and welcome to Mimi's ass kids lmao. They're a whole lot of chaotic energy so sorry xD LEZGETIT

width must be 200; height can be 290 or higher

NAME Ahn Junseo



 fox with sly narrow eyes, a sharp, thin nose and a wide, angular grin that makes junseo appear to be up to no good, junseo's appearance isn't the only thing that resembles a fox, but also his personality. the mischievous, tease is known for his mean hearted jokes, paired off with a strange and unconventional politeness that is a recipe for disaster. he can catch you off guard just as easily as he can scamper away, flighty and detached, always on guard and heartless, so it seems.

 eunseo's twin it's not a secret that eunseo is junseo's fraternal twin, considering she's one of the queens of the campus. though he's definitely a shadow under his sister's magnificence, not that he minds

  / ice prince / heartless shell of a person junseo gets many nicknames due to his teasing mean-streak. he's most often than not pestering and prodding, taking things apart all the while staring you down with that bright, -eating angular grin. many think he's heartless because junseo seems to never be effected by anything and doesn't share his feelings and emotions even with his closest peers.

 black sheep / that alpha who likes other alphas / freak / unnatural alpha it's difficult for many people to make the comparison of junseo and eunseo's heritage of a rich, prestigious family when junseo is such an outcast. He's so noticeably different than everyone else in the family, and one of the most obvious differences is his uality - or well, the rumors of his taboo lifestyle. the rumors around campus are that junseo secretly hooks up with other alphas. despite this being a forward, more accepting and diverse society, it's still rather taboo for alphas to be together and is thought to go against natural instincts. though, no one can prove these claims against junseo since no one has ever seen him with anyone and nobody has said otherwise.

 moon ever since the twins were little, their apparent contrasting personality led to the nicknames of sun and moon. Eunseo is the sun, whereas junseo is the moon. Eunseo shines brightly onto the earth, everyone chasing her warmth and light, while junseo is cold and dark, inspiring others avoidance.


BIRTHDATE june 7th, 1998

GENDER male, alpha



FACECLAIM Oneus' Seoho

MAJOR Business and minor in dance

ORIENTATION homoual / strong preference for other alphas

Junseo can be a complete in many cases - what with his high level of teasing and pestering everyone all the time and general meanness paired with a bright smile. junseo's appearance isn't the only thing that resembles a fox. his angular grin gives way that he's up to no good. Despite his sharp tongue and harshness, junseo is seemingly always grinning. Though he can play along with politeness (which he is genuinely always polite with strangers), it's nearly obvious that his heart is a dark cold void of black. Detached and distant as soon as even a glimpse of 'feelings' or the nearing of sharing emotions, junseo is quick to deflect and back away. though for someone so teasing and unfeeling, junseo can't help but show sentiment to those who truly matter in the smallest of ways. He might never admit his thoughts or feelings, omitting any information about himself, but if you mean something to him you can guarantee his rare nice actions. junseo isn't all claws and strong defenses, but a light and gentle touch of calculation.

width must be 200; height can be 290 or higher

NAME Ahn Eunseo



 Seoie Eunseo absolutely despises being called eunseo. she's never liked and and never will, and refuses to answer to anything else than 'seoie.' She's been called this nickname all her life.

 princess of campus / it girl / moneybags it's obvious to anyone with eyes that eunseo comes from a well-off family, considering she always wears designer clothing and practically smells like money. it's also no surprise that people flock to her like she can part the red sea. eunseo is that girl on campus that everyone wants to be or be with. it's impossible to hate her because she's just too damn sparkly... though maybe this shine hides some less than a sparkly underneath?

 sun ever since the twins were little, their apparent contrasting personality led to the nicknames of sun and moon. Eunseo is the sun, whereas junseo is the moon. Eunseo shines brightly onto the earth, everyone chasing her warmth and light, while junseo is cold and dark, inspiring others avoidance.


BIRTHDATE june 7th, 1998

GENDER female, omega



FACECLAIM (g)idle's soyeon

MAJOR Business


Seoie is an absolute darling princess. She's the sun to Junseo's moon, the picture-perfect, model-face, beauty with the coin party of admirers. She's just so damn perfect at everything she does and has the most lovely attitude. She always puts others first and seems helpful and charming, practically a modern-day snow white. But little does the world know just how not 'snow white' like Seoie really is. If people think Junseo is mean or cold-hearted, well, at least he's honest. Eunseo, on the other hand, his darling sister, is one of the biggest liars and two-faces on the planet. A selfish, bratty, hard , Seoie is even more emotionless than her brother and ruthless to boot. Make sure to watch your back, or this omega might just spin you in her web.

width must be 200; height can be 290 or higher

NAME Do Hanbin



 kitty / kitten alpha  with hanbin's tiny mouth, nose, and sharp pretty eyes, the tiny alpha can't help resembling a cat, especially with such a sweet temperament. He's as gentle as a kitten and just as soft looking.

 baby alpha / tiny alpha  one of the most obvious traits of hanbin's appearance is his - ahem - tiny stature. the boy looks more like a tiny omega highschooler than an alpha college student, that's for sure. he's short and skinny, with a nearly petite frame, that is pretty opposite of what a stereotypical alpha should possess. Most people tend to use comments about just how small Hanbin is as an insult or just observation and though he doesn't like it, he's used to the comments so it doesn't bother him as much

 hannie / binnie cute variations of his name that he doesn't mind being used

 mister rockstar / guitar guy / music nerd as a music production major, hanbin can be found more often than not with a guitar strapped to his back, thats size could rival his own tiny body. He's constantly carrying equipment around and hanging out in the music hall. his room is even covered in production equipment. Hanbin is always excited to talk about his love of music production too or play for his friends. it's more of a joking nickname to refer to him as a rockstar but Hanbin is passionate about his love of music and maybe one day he'll become one

BIRTHDATE jan 24th, 2000

GENDER male, alpha




MAJOR Music Production

ORIENTATION panual / taken tho!

Hanbin is probably the softest, tiniest alpha in existence. He's sweet and understanding, someone who would go out of his way for his friends, letting others run over him as long as they were happy. Though, it does get exhausting at times to be forgotten as an alpha. Yes, he's a tiny man, but that doesn't mean he still isn't an alpha. He gets mistaken as an omega and occasionally beta on more than just one occasion and all of the omegas of the dorm practically consider him one of them. It's a bit embarrassing, if he's honest, a very emasculating, though hanbin isn't one to openly complain often. The tiny alpha is definitely the greatest best friend to have, a very thoughtful and gentle person, though he doesn't hesitate to laugh and make others smile. He's also a giant dork, especially over his love of music. 

width must be 200; height can be 290 or higher

NAME Moon Haneul



 hannie  cute variation of his name than most of the members call him, as well as his parents.

 queen haneul  this nickname has followed him since middle school really. Seoie might think she's the princess but Haneul is the queen and he could triumph over her any day. at times haneul gives off an ice princess aura, especially when he's being sassy, blunt, or just a drama queen, haneul has a strong high and mighty demeanor that's hard to ignore. It's definitely something he doesn't really like, considering it's girly, but he doesn't really have a choice but to accept it. (it's kind of a running joke between everyone since he and Seoie fight all the time.)

 mom it's not a secret that many of his dormmates refer to him as the mom of the group. haneul doesn't think so but he totally is at times with his nagging paired with taking care of the others. he really does have strong maternal omega instincts, whether he wants to admit it or not, it's obvious.

 hansavage due to Haneul's sassy demeanor and dry wit, he has earned the nickname by his friends.

BIRTHDATE aug 26th, 2000

GENDER male, omega



FACECLAIM Oneus' Hwanwoong

MAJOR Music Production / Vocal


Moon Haneul is known around campus as 'that diva vocal student' for a reason, though if you're somehow living under a rock and aren't aware of Haneul's major, then you'll recognize him as one of the 'dorm mothers' of the Pak Dorm (or the scary dorm member that will beat the out of anyone who messes with his 'children'). Haneul is very proud and dedicated to music production and doesn't hesitate to flaunt his talents, though he also doesn't really hesitate in initiating many fights either... Haneul can always be found getting in other people's business or telling people off. The fiery omega has no time for the haters and that includes his rival and absolute bane of his existence, the 'princess' Seoie. He also has no time for 'omega' steriotypes and if you mention it to him, then you best believe he'll rip you a new one.

width must be 200; height can be 290 or higher

NAME Jeong Yiseul



 nickname explanation


BIRTHDATE March 9th, 2000

GENDER male, alpha



FACECLAIM victon's subin

MAJOR child psychology / early childhood education

ORIENTATION panual / taken




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Should I send vincent as junseo's love interest 👁️👄👁️