WiSHing ☆彡 Application Form



AFF Username: My_Husband_Sungmin

AFF Profile:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/92574
Tell me about your character...


Name: Hyun Ae Lee

Age: 20

Birthday: 19 Nov

Ethnicity:Half Japanese Half Korean




And the personality... ?

Cold and cool, sometime annoying people if they don't give her what her want. But she like take care of people, She is stubborn and 4d sometime. But when you feel sad or depress she is a good listener and good adviser. She gives advise to everyone. Help them with anything she can. She hate people who is two face or back stabbing , Or always think themselves cooler than the others. TO her everybody is the same. She like to joking around but sometime she is really silent when it come to work, focus and never give upDon't back stabbing anyone cause what you say about them, it's the same to you. That is what she think in her mind, Sometime she can not understand something and end up asking many questions. But no one would call her , or tell her to shut up cause no one want to make the JOKER become anger.AND a good fighter ! But when she's on good mood she can do Aegyo
or anything..even she's like that she likes color pink
Likes: (+3)

playing sport 
Speaking Japanese 
Listen to musics
singing random stuffs 
playing Violin and other instruments

Dislikes: (+3)

play boys 
talkative people
annoying people 

And the background...

General Background/ Family History:
Her father is a business man who doesn't give a about her after her younger brother die. Her mother got depress and forget all about her. Her Brother died because he got drown when she was buying Ice cream, and forgot to looked after her brother. After that Her father never talk to her againto him boys are better than girls and when he lost his previous son. He become hate himself, for not being there for his son. He just don't have the guts to talk to Hyun Ae. So when they were live in Australia, Hyun Ae said that she gonna go back to Korean to become a singer. Her father just nod but because he loved her so he tell people to watch her and protect her
Parents: (name - age - occupation - relationship)

Jung Ho Lee - 58- Father
Akira Suzuki -55-Mother

Jae Hyun - 18 - Little Brother (dead)

BoA -25 -Friend
IU - 20 - Friend
many more..

... How are you on stage??

Stage Name: Ae Ae 

Position:Lead Singer  or Main Vocalist and Sub dancer

Group Nickname:
i don't know....
Wish... ?

Individual Fanclub Name:

Pink Bunny

Lastly, some additional stuff...

Favourite Colour:Pink

Typical Style of Dress: Anything.. dress ,skirt , t-shirts , pants

Favourite Animal:Bunny
LOve Interest :
Lee Sungmin of Super Junior

mianhe... if the other 
info is so long...



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