6 Guys, 6 Girls, 1 Island Application



Your Profile

AFF Username: ChOrCeE

AFF Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/88081

Your Character

Character’s Name: 

~ Jeong AiKae


~ Ai , Kaie

Picture Link: 

~ Yui Aragaki








~ 21 y/o


~ March 26 , 1991


~ Jeju-do , South Korea


~ Japanese-Korean

Height: 169cm

Weight: 46kg


~ Dogs
~ Music
~ Strawberries


~ Big Spiders
~ Dark Places
~ Loud annoying sounds


~ Listening to Music

~ Vocalising

~ Drawing


~ Singing

~ Drawing

~ Writng original stories


~ Ai is a simple and an optismistic lady. She always love to smile that's why people are comfortable around her. She is a pretty girl type that makes everyone around adore her. Friendly and nice. Always happy and modess. Loving and sweet to her love ones. Smart , talented and motherly. She has all the qualities that makes the perfect ideal girl for boys, but then she's not really perfect . She also have her flaws. Like,being very sensitive and emotional. Can be a crybaby and  likes to keep her emotions bottled up. that's why if she has a problem no one knows it even the closest to her. And she do that because she doesn't want to hurt them. Yes. If there can be a way or a person who can change this little attitude problem of her's ,it would be great.


Other things I should know?:

She has an asthma and has a low immune system [Easy to catch cold]

Has a Dog named " Jini"


Family Members: 

Akiko Yamaguchi | Mom | 45 | A pianist

Jeong Kaejin | Dad |  46| A Composer


Seitou Yamaguchi |Only cousin |  23 | A college student at Japan  



She is a japanese whose born on Korea with her Japanese mom and korean dad. From a family of musicians to where she got her talents. As the only daughter in the family she's responsible and diligent.A girl who loves her family alot. Her only cousin Seitou is very prtotective towards her. Her mom was loving and her dad was understanding. She loves to sing and her parents are proud for her. She was once ranked #1 on her school for having a great vocals on a singing contest. Hwanji her BFF was a positive and an outspoken girl who supports her alot. Being a girl whose adored by everyone,she used them as her inspiration. She believe that one day she'll rise like the sun in the Music industry . And so they supported her but she have to wait for the day untill happen.


Your Idol: 

~ Kim JunSu [JYJ/TVXQ!]

His personality: 

~ He is a very charismatic guy. Manly and CUTE at the same time. Negative in a good way . Sensitive but tries to be cheerful. Likes to make everyone around him happy that's why they trust him. Forgetful but true to himself. That's the reason why she liked him besides his talents. He's also the kindest and the most playful in the group he is from.




Kim Hwanji | 22 | Her classmate in school





~ Uhm.. Maybe a funny moments in the island as they introduce themselves to one another? I think it would be fun..^^

~ She dreamt to be a famous singer like her idol,her fave' thing to do is to sing. Fave' food are vegetables and fave season is winter.

~ Goodluck & THANK YOU!!


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