Heather Morris Isn't An Angel

Hi guys, so if you didn't check Twitter, Heather Morris is currently blowing up on there because of her Tweet defending Mark Sailing. To me, I'm currently very upset with her and on the verge of unstanning her for all the actions she has done. I'm going to list it below.


1. Defending Mark Sailing for watching ography (read the documents below for more information. He's literally watching two-four year olds doing vulgar things)


2. Says ALM and created a tik-tok dance about George Floyd (and many other racist things yet Lea is the only one being called out)



3. Liked Blake Jenner's Instagram post apologizing to Melissa Benoist for domestically abusing her (PS: all he was doing was gaslight her and make her look like a victim)


What do you think about this? Personally, I'm really upset with this because Heather literally supports a domestic abuser yet she says to cancel a diva??? I'm confused. Make it make sense honey.



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