Why I Prefer Pizes Over Quick

As probably everyone knows, I highly dislike Quick and Finchel. I prefer Pizes and Faberry more (Finn can just go away. Maybe he can go hook up with Jesse or something, I couldn't care less) That's why I'm going to make a blog post about why Pizes (Puck x Lauren) > Quick (Quinn x Puck)



So it's not a secret that I despise Puck for all the crap he did. He is a selfish bastard who couldn't care less about anybody's feelings. He literally didn't want Quinn until she was with Finn and then when he finally got Quinn, he treated her like absolute trash. He was never good to any girl.....except for Lauren.


But seriously though, at first Lauren didn't want Puck at all. All she did was admit that she found him good looking and that's it. He literally had to woo her to date him and for once, I actually thought Puck could become a decently good human being.



And it's a lot more than that, because he would always say that he wouldn't change Lauren at all and that he would like her no matter what because he loves her (unlike what he did to Quinn). He genuinely treated Lauren like a queen (which she is by the way)


Another thing is that the both Puck and Lauren were known for having pretty infamous reputations in Mckinley, but it really seems like they care about each other way more than anybody else (*cough* *Quinn, but Rachel is there to take care of her* *cough)



"We all know I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but there are two lessons I learned the hard way. One: never punch a cop. The other one? You can't choose love. Love chooses you. I mean, I could have any girl I wanted. But here I am in the middle of Geometry or English or something and the only girl I've got my eye on is a whole lotta woman," - Puck to Lauren


Plus, it's obvious that Puck loved Lauren a lot more than he did to Quinn because when she was pregnant (because he her while she was drunk but we'll put that in another conversation), he told STRAIGHT TO HER FACE that he wouldn't date "fat" girls, so she better not get any bigger. 


Puck, you truly are a douchebag, but it seems like he truly loved Lauren because we all know that Lauren has a plus type body shape (which she rocks by the way). Plus they were genuinely hilarious (much more than Quinn). I'll make a Quinn side to why Quick and why Pizes (I'm giving Puck a chance) and Faberry should have ended up together. 






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My mom actually liked Lauren and Puck together because Lauren didn't give Puck the time of the day. She didn't throw herself at Puck like all the other girls did. My mom liked that relationship and was actually shocked when Lauren broke up with him. I liked Pizes too