A Faberry Rant

I swear to God, Quinn Fabray is head over heels for Rachel Berry.

It’s not just because I ship Faberry(which I totally do).

It’s because of the way all Quinn’s story lines are played out. She clearly doesn’t love Finn, she cheated on him with his bestfriend. She clearly doesn’t love Puck, their whole storyline ended on such a raw note. She clearly doesn’t love Sam, she treated him like and cheated on him.

All through out season 1, Quinn’s biggest flaw was not letting out her feelings. She kept all of her feelings hidden, and didn’t let anyone in. The only time I started to notice Quinn coming undone was when Rachel tried to get her to come back to glee club. Quinn looked so questioning when Rachel was helping her.

Quinn tried to hard through various episodes, trying to keep her pregnancy hidden, and not let anyone find out. The biggest secret she had, was that Finn was not the father. Yet when Rachel told Finn that Puck was the father, Quinn came undone. She cried infront of Rachel and opened up to her, telling her that Rachel only did what she couldn’t, tell the truth.

In season 2 Quinn started to become quiet again, and farther away from everyone. Which was when Finn and Rachel began officially dating. She distanced herself until Sam came along, which was the boy that RACHEL had convinced her to give a shot.

I feel that Quinn really didn’t want Finn and Rachel together, but not for the sake of her loving for Finn. So she tried to take Finn from Rachel.

In the Regional’s episode, I started to HARCORE ship Faberry, like alot more than I did before. Quinn tried to make it seeem as if she just wanted Finn. but the way she was speaking to Rachel “You don’t belong here, Rachel. and you can’t hate me for trying to send you on your way”, made me think other wise. She was basically telling Rachel, that she shouldn’t stay here, and waste her time with Finn, because she knows that she is going to be a star.

When Quinn helped Rachel when she was getting her surgery. I really think that Quinn didn’t want Rachel to get a nosejob, when it appeared that she did. I think it was because Quinn knew what it was like to be so miserable and not feel pretty about herself when she got her own. when they sang I feel pretty/ Unpretty there was various looks between the two that would not be considered “just friendly”.

It’s weird that when Jesse and Finn got kicked out, Rachel went after Quinn instead of Finn or Jesse. When Quinn slapped Rachel, she immedietly looked so hurt and said” I’m so sorry”. when yet in season 1, I vaguely remember her saying “Listen here treasure trail, we're about to have a smackdown”.

I think that Quinn only singles Rachel out for her torturing, because she is in love with her. Quinn has made it her day to day goal to ruin Rachel Berry. So how come she keeps having these open and nice moments with her? She clearly thinks about her alot.

I think that she is more afraid of losing RACHEL to Finn then she is of losing Finn, in general.


Thank you for listening to my rant lol.


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This was a good rant. I love that you provided hardcore evidence as to why you ship Faberry and not just because you think they look cut together (which is fine too) loved the blog entry ❤️❤️