Do You Remember?

Do you guys remember when Quinn and Rachel were in the bathroom where Quinn drew ographic pictures of Rachel, Rachel told Quinn that she was the prettiest girl she ever met, but also a lot more than that for advice about Finn proposing because she knew that out of everyone, Quinn would give her honest straightforward advice and Quinn was like "WTF you didn’t say yes did you you’re both still children and Finn’s nice but you’re too good for him and for everyone in this town including me you need to let Finn and everyone here go that’s my advice,"

 And then at the next glee club rehearsal when Quinn was telling everyone about Yale at the end of her speech WHILE LOOKING DIRECTLY AT RACHEL WITH TEARS IN HER EYES SHE SAID AND I QUOTE “You can’t change your past, but you can let go and start your future." 

Then at regionals Quinn asked Rachel “When you were singing that song you were singing it to Finn, and only Finn, right?” and after Rachel’s small nod she whispers “He really does make you so happy.” and she says she wants to support them and be there for the wedding, and they hug and Quinn has the saddest smile I’ve ever seen in my entire life on her face

Then on their last day of high school Quinn went to Rachel in that same bathroom and was like you know Yale isn’t that far from NYC here are metro passes so while you’re becoming the star I know you’re going to be we can visit each other because I really don’t want to lose touch with you and then she added on while sounding completely defeated (LIKE SHE HAD FINALLY LET GO) I still think you getting married is stupid but I’m happy you’re with Finn you guys were meant to be.

Ryan Murphy, what was that? Finn treated Rachel like trash and all of this was going on while Quinn was dating Puck who she couldn't care less about! I bet the only reason she even talks to Puck is because of Beth. Faberry should have been endgame, Puck and Finn . Quinn obviously loves Rachel more than Puck, Finn, and Jesse combined and vice versa.


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Love how passionate you are about Faberry
It's unfortunate that Murphy decided to cut this all out when there was so much potential and a clear runway for Faberry to present itself as endgame
Too bad smh