The Concept of Cliché Fanfics

So, I read this blog post about cliche fics by theblackcat1236 and , whoa. I gotta say, I agree a lot to her. I just want to share her blog post. Feel free to say your opinions about it! :)
Read it here:


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Cliché is just something that's overused. I don't think it applies to plots being similar in content or anything like that.^^
Ah, this makes sense, sort of. I am not sure whether I am like that when I give reviews, but my definition of cliche is an element of fiction that is used frequently and not originally. When I grade someone, I don't grade them on their using a cliche, but on how they use it. For instance, if someone was to write about vampires I'd base that section on whether or not the fact that they were vampires was important. I am reading some fics by the same author and they keep writing vampire stories where the characters could be human and the fic would still make sense and maybe be better.

I wouldn't say predictability is the right way to grade because how would that work with, say, the orphan cliche? Chapter 1, "I am an orphan" and then what? This is what I mean by how the cliche is used, not the fact that it was used.
byunqrins_ #3