The 2PM Mystery

Hi This is my first ever blog. I'm new to the blogging world so treat me nicely. Please comment and Subscribe. Here we go. So one day I really bored and I decided to read the whole of 2PM's Wikipedea page (eveyones Nichkhun,Wooyoung...I mean it...everyone). So then I started reading's Park Jaebeom. I see that in the U.S he has featured with Snoop Dog (for those of you who don't know who he is: he's a famous american rapper) in a music video and he has made a load of music in Korea and America. He is now a Solo artist. He has even been in a short Sketch along with Ryan Higa called 'Bromance.' (just type Bromance Jay Park into Youtube it should be the first link) HOLD IT! I'm not here to advertise Jay Parks recent way am I doing that. I'm here to raise suspicion on his Wiki page. Once you read the whole thing you will see for yourself. It kind of sounds like Jay was using JYP Entertainment as a fame booster. I'm not one of those fans that hates Jay or anything. In fact i really want him back in 2PM. *Note* I was a fan of 2PM after Jay left,to precise I became a fan because 'Take Off' was in a anime. I was a huge (and still am) anime freak way before K-POP came into my life. *End of Note* I know your probably thinking 'But most of the stuff on Wiki is not true' if that was true then wikepedea would be shut down instantly. It's a very reliable site and you all know that. But I'm asking you guys who live in Korea...go down to JYP Entertainment and protest about it. It can't be true that JYP kicked Jay out for that my space reason NO! You want Jay back in the band? Right? So everyone FIGHTING! By HannahBunnny98 Please comment and Subscribe☆


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