Please Read This: It's Very Important!

You may have recently heard about the growing online movement to #FreeBritney. This is not an edgy conspiracy theory. The mounting evidence in this thread will show how a woman has had all of her rights taken away for 13 years and counting. The truth will set Britney free!



On January 4, 2008, Britney Spears was taken from her home in an ambulance and forced into psychiatric care after locking herself in the bathroom with one of her sons during a custody dispute. Here is a horrific video of paparazzi chasing the ambulance.


While a normal 5150 hold would require a person to stay in the hospital for 72 hours, Britney was released the next day, suggesting they didn't think they were suffering from serious mental health issues.



Then, a month later on January 31st, Britney Spears was again forced into the hospital. However, this seems to be planned ahead of time. They "worked with the LAPD for weeks" and organized a motorcade the length of a football field. It included two helicopters.



That same day, Britney Spears' father had all the paperwork ready to ask the court to put her under what is called a 'conservatorship.' In court documents, her father claimed she had a "dementia-related illness" which is inconsistent with Britney's ability to tour.



Under  a conservatorship, Britney Spears:

- Doesn't control her own money

- Can't hire an attorney

- Can't drive, vote or see friends without permission

- Isn't allowed to have custody of her children

- And has her social media monitored



A proposed conservatee is required to be given notice 5 days before a hearing, but Britney's dad petitioned the court to NOT give notice to Britney. It was granted, meaning Britney was kept unaware that she was being placed under a conservatorship.



On February 2nd, Britney's dad attempted to get a Capacity Declaration from her psychiatrist Dr. James Long supporting his claims. After consulting with him,, Dr. Long refused to speak with her dad anymore.



On February 4th, a high-profile lawyer Britney hired named Adam Streisand went to court claiming the singer did not want her father in control of her finances. The court said Britney couldn't pick her own attorney and ejected him from the courtroom.



On February 12th, Britney attempted to hire another attorney Jonathan Eardley. He spoke to her on the phone, but claimed someone wrestled the phone from her and he said that he hadn't heard from her since.



Mr. Eardley attempted to take Britney's case from state court to federal court saying she was denied her civil rights. The U.S. District court said he couldn't represent Britney because they already said she couldn't choose her own lawyer and the case was dismissed.



Just months after the court deemed Britney incapable of making decisions about her daily life and finances, she would guest star on How I Met Your Mother. So how can a person who allegedly had dementia remember all of their lines required to star in a movie? 



Then Britney would then release the #1 smash hit Womanizer in September and began the Circus era, all of which went to directly profit the conservatorship because Britney isn't allowed to control her own money.


In November, Britney's documentary "For the Record" was released. Several scenes were deleted and later leaked in which Britney claims her life was being too controlled, and she wants to be free. She says people hear what she's saying, but they're not really listening and she's sad.


She also talks about not being able to freely drive her car or even go to Starbucks to get coffee, but she can go on tours, make albums, perform on stage, and make more money.


Around this time, Britney gave her friend Andrew Gallery a letter that she wanted him to read to her fans. He was recently released from an NDA and read this letter out loud on his Tik Tok.

This letter is so important and explains much of what has already happened, so we are going to include it in full so you can hear the whole thing. Britney claims in the letter that she was "lied to" and "set up."

She also wrote about how her conservators threatened to take her kids away if she petitioned for termination. So how long will this go on? As long as the people around her are getting paid and she has no rights, it could go on for a while, but that doesn't make it right at all.


 In early January of 2009, a voicemail leaked in which Britney told attorney Jonathan Eardley that during the process of eliminating the conservatorship, her father threatened to take her kids away.



This voicemail was likely made using a burner phone Britney received from her former manager's sister, because she can't even use her own phone. Britney's dad and the sister testified to this under oath.


In March of 2009, Britney would embark on the multi-million dollar Circus Tour, which begs the question how someone so unfit to make their own decisions can do dangerous stunts like this without a harness.



Later in 2009, news outlets reported Britney Spears' business manager Lou Taylor was the mastermind behind the conservatorship and brainwashed her dad that this was the only way to go.




This is when Lindsay Lohan's father exposed a similar plot to put his daughter under a conservatorship too, specifically mentioning Lou Taylor and Larry Rudolph. May I also add that Britney's emails were leaked and how she called Lou Taylor a "crazy stalker who has been following her for years with her husband"


2010 is one of the scariest years of this whole situation, because there is very little information about what was going on during this time. All we know is that Britney returned in 2011 for the Femme Fatale Tour, in which fans saw she was being heavily medicated.



Also in 2011, beauty mogul Elizabeth Arden sued Britney's dad, Lou Taylor and her estate for breach of contract. She claimed "the notion that Britney Spears is mentally or emotionally unfit to testify under oath is a sham."



In July, the conservators bankrupted her charity organization, the Britney Spears Foundation, and claimed only $17 in assets. Over $50,000 went to Mercy Ministries of Nashville, where Lou Taylor served as honorary chair.


In 2012, legal experts began questioning the conservatorship when she started judging and mentoring individuals on the X Factor. How can she do that, but not make her own decisions? It doesn't make any sense.



Britney Spears' former nanny also testified this year that the pop star was being "emotionally manipulated" in the conservatorship. She also said that Britney is often threatened that if she rebelled then she would not be able to see her kids ever again.



Then Britney's father asked for additional compensation after she started her Las Vegas residency including 1.5% of all the gross revenue in addition to his $16,000/month salary and $2,000/month rent payment.


In 2015, Britney released "Pretty Girls" with Iggy Azalea. Here she is explaining the lengths they took before allowing Britney to have lunch at her home. That's how overly controlling Britney's conservators are.



In 2016, Britney's ex boyfriend David Lucado said he doesn't think she needs a conservatorship. "If anyone could see her interactions with her kids, they would know there is no need for a conservatorship over Britney's personal life."



During the Glory era, Britney spoke publicly for the first time about the conservatorship on the Jonathan Ross show. Fans in the audience confirmed this and it was widely reported, but those parts were eventually cut from the program before it aired.




Britney has also given many hints about wanting more freedom in her Instagram posts. She has also been posting many alarming posts, specifically following the comments telling her to do certain things if she needs help.



In October of 2018, Britney's co-conservator Andrew Wallet asked the court for a raise. He wanted $426,000 per year citing her "increased well being and her capacity to be engaged. This man has also been very sketchy and has been doing very bad things with Britney's money. 



Imagine getting more money by controlling a 38 year old woman's money than doctors, presidents, and senior attorneys. Wallet also called the conservatorship at this time a "hybrid business model" and notes the "conservatee's business activities have greatly accelerated."



On January 4th, 2019, Britney Spears' new Domination residency was abruptly cancelled. The post said it was because of her father's recent illness, although he is seen going fishing soon after.



On January 12th, 2019, Britney was seen driving through In-N-Out with her boyfriend Sam Asghari and then she would then go missing from the public eye for three months.



Then Andrew Wallet suspiciously asks the court to remove him as Britney's co-conservator right before an investigation was about to happen on her conservatorship, maybe because it must be very corrupt.

 He says "substantial detriment, irreparable harm and immediate danger will result to the conservatee and her estate if the relief requested herein is not granted." Then after a while, her father returns as Britney's conservator.


It is reported in April that Britney entered herself *voluntarily* into a mental health facility. Here is how the media covered it at the time, however her father most likely threw her in there so that she would appear crazy.


However, a person left a frightening voicemail on a popular podcast claiming Britney has been forced into the mental health facility against her will and was being forced to take drugs, so that she would be loopy and vulnerable to whatever her conservators do.




That's when the #FreeBritney movement started trending on Twitter and fans began protesting. Britney's mom began liking comments about the movement, because she probably wants her daughter free from her abusive father and also get some of her money.



They are all mooching off of Britney's money and nobody could be trusted, not even her "boyfriend", who is most likely her handler who is also using Britney for her money. He has also spent a lot of Britney's money on his own personal lifestyle.  Even her mom starting liking comments on the #FreeBritney movement.



After the movement started gaining traction, Britney's team went into full damage control. Sources started telling the press Britney would have died if they didn't put her into the mental health facility, but wait, what happened to them saying she entered voluntarily?


A "proof of life" video was then posted of Britney Spears inside the mental health facility. Now people are very worried about Britney's well being, because she looked noticeably scared and kept looking like she was being watched by somebody.



On Easter, Britney was allowed to leave the mental health facility to spend time with her "boyfriend". She looked extremely medicated in the pictures that came out. Britney was eventually released and told the judge in May that her father forced her to enter the facility against her will.


Fans continued protesting outside the courtroom, saying that Britney's family has been using her and her hard earned money for their own personal gain. They also say that Britney doesn't need a conservatorship and doesn't have basic human rights, even though she is a 38 year old woman who needs to live her life.

Her parents exploited her as a child and now they continue to exploit her for her money, because her family wants all of her money for themselves, without leaving anything for Britney who made them all this money in the first place.



Then a couple weeks before he was supposed to testify at the next court hearing in September, Britney Spears' psychiatrist Dr. Timothy Benson who was supposed to diagnose her, mysteriously died. This man was only in his 30's and 40's and perfectly healthy.


Before the court hearing, Britney posted this on Instagram, saying that she didn't like "being tied down and was an independent person" However, she is tied down because of her awful conservatorship and the corruption going on within the courtroom.


Then Britney's father was also accused of abusing one of Britney's kids. Her two boys now have a 3-year restraining order against the grandfather and she lost 50-50 visitation with Kevin Federline, so she can't see them as much as she would like to.


In 2020, Britney Spears' youngest son Jayden, went on Instagram and said he's trying to help him mom "break free." He also called his grandpa a "big " and said he can "go die." 


This is all coming to a head again because Britney Spears' next conservatorship is coming up soon, because Andrew Wallet wants to be Britney's conservator again. Fans are planning another protest outside the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in Los Angeles.

You can help #FreeBritney by signing this petition to allow Britney the right to choose her own lawyer and please help us trend #FreeBritney on Twitter before her upcoming court hearing. A woman's civil rights have been taken away for over 12 years and we have to speak about it. 


1: Sign these petitions below


Overview: Britney Spears needs to be out of this conservatorship, she can't be trapped by these money hungry people who are exploiting all of the money out of her. Conservatorships are intended for elderly people with dementia, but Britney is not an old person that can't do anything on her own.

How come Britney Spears isn't allowed to control her money and go on a car, but she can go on tour, judge on the X Factor, and make four albums? Exactly, Britney’s conservators only care about her money, without caring about her basic human rights.

It's not fair that Britney is facing this, this whole system is corrupt. This is abuse, if Britney does have mental issues which she doesn't, she should have the right to live happily and independently with her children who she loves so much.


2: Let Britney Spears Have Her Own Lawyer


Overview: If Britney can't get out of her conservatorship, then at least let her get her own lawyer to get her father out of the conservatorship. If she truly needs a conservatorship, then it would be better to have an organization manage her finances. 

This petition is to allow Britney Spears to hire the lawyer of her choice. Britney can't even get her own lawyer because of her conservatorship, which is seriously messed up. She can only have her crappy lawyer Sam Ingham who is definitely paid by Britney's conservators to not help Britney at all.

Britney has been requesting a certain lawyer for a long time who has helped many others get out of their bad situations, but she isn't allowed to get her own lawyer. Please sign the petition above to give Britney her rights back.


Note: Follow me at BritneyHiatus on Twitter, it is a Britney Spears fan account and it will be updated with more information on the #FreeBritney movement. Britney Spears deserves her freedom! 

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Britney Spears is one of my idols and I love her so much. She introduced me to kpop and BoA. Without her, I wouldn’t have known about the miracle that is Girl’s Generation. Now that we know about the abuse she has suffered through the industry, this is the least I could do to thank her for getting me through some hard times in my life.

Sign the petitions below to help our queen. By the way, anybody who reposts this blog post and signs the petition will get 25 karma points as a reward for spreading the word. Please private message me to confirm your reward for spreading the message to free our Pop Princess!




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