why do "straight" rps still exist?

no, why did they ever exist in the first place? please enlightmen me or just say you're homophobic and go.


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As a heterophobic i don't understand. ( jk i'm not heterophobic- just hate the straights without a brain )
chrrychild #2
This is actually my me like 24/7
lilwhiskers #3
I mean to be completely honest, if there’s exclusively or exclusively yuri roleplays, it’s fair to have exclusively straight ones as well. I know it seems a bit iffy upon first glance but it’s unfair to assume everyone in a straight rp is homophobic. Are all people in rps heterophobic? No, they just want to be part of a rp that fits their uality, that’s all.
Exactly, just saw an ad of 'super accepting and welcoming rp' but yet like the next line in huge capital letters it goes 'STRAIGHT RP' so like?? how is that 'accepting'?