The Blood Rose (EXO & OC)

[ Blood Rose ]

Splattered upon its white petals,
Like blood running down
the slope of her s.
Lifeless gaze
upon me in pitless raze.

The color of life
I've taken away.
To the Devil

Take my soul, I say;
A desperate scream
Of salvation and hellfire.

The Blood Rose
The innocence

tainted by these fingers
I call my own.
The only color
I've ever known.


reverseharem, mystery, action, friendship, mafia au

Please check it out! Upvote if you haven't; it'll definitely help in getting me the karma points i need to advertise this fic. Let's geddit featured uwu <3
warning: the fic has some TW content, so be advised upon reading it. Nothing too heavy. Yet. djssjjsksk


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