Hiiiiiiiiiii! *waves*

(RANDOMNESS AHEAD******) I'm. Bored. And tired. Lol. Watching Deadliest Catch~! Kind of sad rn. One kid's older sister just died and there is a hurricane coming~ call me a babo, but i didn't know Alaska had hurricanes~ -_- lol. Ugh... I'm so tired. But im always tired~ OH' I just realized I made a blog post this morning... But no comments (yet!)~ guess I'm the only who feels that way~ *shrugs* la la la~ you kno this is kind of like free hand writing~? My favorite thing~! I tend to hold all my bad feelings in because I don't want to add to the negativity around me and everyone looks to me to be happy and be the light in their life (I'm not kidding. -_- ) so I don't tell anyone if I'm having a hard time~ unless your special (lol) and I can trust you~ blah blah blah. SO ANYWAYS! WHAT INWAS TRYING TO SAY WAS~! Free hand writing is really good for me~ well I think it's prolly good for anyone~ so um.... OMO!!!! I DIDN'T TELL YOU~~!!!!! I got INFINITE SOCKIES!!!!! I wore them to my Chinese class the other day~ I felt so awesome~ xD lol. They're so cute~! I can't wait to get my BIGBANG wallet and... Maybe a 2PM passport case~ ^o^ something~ WHOO!!! Umm..... What else...? There was something.... :( I'm so happy about meh SOCKIES tho!!! Lol. I love that autocorrect is supposed to think SOCKIES (<---- again!) has to be capitalized~ SOCKIES. SOCKIES. Sockies. (<---- NO!!!!!!! It got ruined!!!!!!! Stupid z at the end~ D""""""": ) but it's such a cute word! xD SOCKIES. SOCKIES. SOCKIES. SOCKIES. Solved. (<---- lol. What the....? O.O ) HAHA! OMO.... Ok this is bad but... I just looked at the tv and they had subtitles and it said 'pin pon'. Like the jpop song~! ^^ but it's actually like an SOS cal so I shouldn't be laughing~ :| awww, my SOCKIES are so soft! I love them~ hehe. La la la~ ummm.... I want like. Sugar. Now. O.o lol. OH! Ykw?! I want.... Matcha green tea cake things~ *le gasp!* I want.... Samaco~!!! =D or Melona.... Mmmmm..... It sounds so good~ ME WANTS SAMACO! Oh I didn't tell you about my latest adventure into Ktown huh~!? xD humm..... I went into this little pastry shop inside one of the malls and it was pretty crowded but THEN I REALIZED.... They were playing Infinite's Paradise~! Ok, DO YOU REALIZE THE SITUATION?! xD.... And there were like.... 4 or 5 (really cute!) Korean boys just hanging out there... Like w their friends. *blushes* okay so... Basically.... It was like I went in there. Looked at the people and the pastries and realized... What was playing. I literally had to grab the counter and try not to start dancing or singing along~ and the guys were looking at me all weird... It was hilarious!!! OMO! And when auntie and I got out of the car and were making our way to the mall, I made eye contact w a guy that was in his car, passing us and he drove by us and I turned to auntie and was like 'WELL HELLO THERE! xD ) little did I know.... HE ROLLED DOWN HIS WINDOW AND HEARD ME!!!!! xD lol. So he was like 'Heyyy! I'm coming for you~!' lol. Something like that~ it was hilarious. x'D thank goodness I didn't see him after that tho~ :| k, the coast guard was just called in to save a ship so...... BAIIII!!!!! xD


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Lol this made my morning
I always watch that show! :P (not that I actually like it but what ever floats your boat)
U sir. Are a unique species of human X"D