Editing - Pain in the arse

So today, my parents went out to Bible Study and left me at home because I was doing "homework"

*cough*writing my fanfic*cough*



So, I took this freetime to...

Make some dance covas!

But these aren't you normal dances covers...no!

They're freestyled!

(I love freestyling)


What I find hilarious, is that in two of the videos,

you can see a gallon of water behind me.

In case you didn't know:

Dancing = Cardio/Exercise = Work = TIREDNESS = DEHYDRATIONNNN


So yea...


But seriously, my legs were burning when I finished,

I was planning on doing four covers... but NO.


Also, I hate editing!

Lately, I don't spend hours on it like I used to,

but it's still tedious >.<


One amazing idea I came up with was

to have a theme song/intro for when I do freestyles

What better song to use as an intro for this segment than...

Freestyle by 4Minute

..Man I'm creative :P


So, in my head, I was going to make the intro look all cool.

Me dancing and stretching in a mirror with my laptop beside and I was gonna have special effects in the video right?





Stupid free downloadable version of VideoPad....



All I know is, if I get another Copyright fragment thingy

I'm ripping somebody's head off >.>


Well, Chau for now! ;)


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