10 Year Anniversary!

Just wanted to come by and announce that my mom is celebrating 10 years of being cancer free. 

10 years ago she was diagnosed with cancer. But, she caught it in time that it didn't even have a number. It was labeled 0. All she got was radiation.

Every year on her anniversary, my mom and I would celebrate at Olive Garden. So, this is the first time that we won't be celebrating at Olive Garden. But, we talked it over and once this virus is over with, mom and I will be celebrating her 10 years at Olive Garden.

She bought some balloons and ordered a cake for her anniversary.




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jimboi #1
congrats to your mom! hope she lives happy and healthy for many years to come!
Congrats to the strong woman who.s your mom ^_^
I.m so happy for her and for you also, because you got more time to spend with her, to make more and more memories <3
God bless you both with lot of health and I wish you to enjoy your mother.s presence in your life to the fullest.
Be safe and happy wherever you are!
Peace and love!
Congratulations . Happy for your mom. She's a fighter . Stay safe whenever you are
So happy your mom recovered at an early stage! Also this will be over soon!! I hope u stay safe and also your loved ones ^^