WHAT'S YOUR STATUS, JAKOB? reboot! wip! collabs?

KEEG's post-it!

0f494a u could tell i'm currently obsess wt adding border radius... spare me

— still using jakob for reboot but im changing the fc to hendery because he has so many meme-able pics shshs

— please play the song b4 reading my notes #classic

— he's a walking meme / a public disturbance / do it for the vlog kind of annoying guy

— hiding mini babies around school

— he thinks he's good at dancing (thanks to tiktok)

— his crying video went viral and took advantage of his sudden popularity lol

— a  sk8r boi,,, he sk8s,,, bcs he thinks it'll add to his coolness but ends up tripping on his own feet tbh

— social media update > homeworks

— snap streaks are important to him so if u break ur streak with him, he'll be upset !!! 

— summit high's resident clown. there are three kinds of clown: the one that'll make u laugh, the one that you'll try to run away from and the one that clowns itself, just a complete fool... and jakob's all of the above


— *jumps over problems* parkour :^)

— will offer u memes in exchange of study notes he did not take






name chen, jakob.
彦俊 YANJUN  chinese name strictly used by his father, especially when jakob's in trouble.
JAK, CHEN, JAKOB-IE  monickers used by his peers on a daily basis.
MEME DEALER dubbed as the meme dealer of summit high, jakob rightfully earned this title from being an actual breathing meme (in real life and through his youtube account) and having a handful of meme supplies. just hit him up for some dank memes, and he'll never disappoint.
birthdate 28th of september, 2001 + 19.
birthplace chicago, illinois.
2001 - 2011   chicago, illinois
2011 - present   tolstone, california
ethnicity chinese.
nationality american.
ENGLISH fluency + elaboration here.
CHINESE MANDARIN fluency + elabo
CANTONESE fluency + elabo
faceclaim  威神v's hendery 
appearance 175cm & 65kg
style had an eboy phase once
i go to the same school with this dude and he likes terrorizing everyone's privacy for his vlogs... i wanna hate him for that but dude's funny so, SUBSCRIBED!
you want an in depth understanding  of how a gen z with incredible expertise in social media and memes' brain work? chen jakob is the epitome of that next door gen z kid who you either hate or love who happens to go viral on youtube for his highschool vlogs highlighting his interesting personality and friends. jakob is that type of student in your class who send memes in exchange of study notes that he failed to jot down during a class for dozing off (nothing new there). they said vines is dead but jakob swore, he'll never let it die as he uses vine references from time to time. this kid can't be tamed, sadly. unless you have juul for him to use or you're mister chen (his father) himself, then you can tame this walking meme for, let's see, five minutes?
"dude your crying video went viral"
"what? people enjoy watching a struggling teen? it really do be like that sometimes"



chaotic good???  


jakob chen on crack compilation
50, 829 views

summitinsider           SUBSCRIBE  3k  
Published on Apr 2, 2019

sociable, sentimental, tactful, charming
gullible, indecisive, impatient, reckless

00:01  making my way downtown, walking fast, because a boy specifically jakob chen has been following me — no, he's not harassing me — he's filming one of his annoying vlogs again and i don't want to be in it!  

when one speaks of jakob chen, the first thought that comes into the minds of the citizens from tolstone is "ah, that annoying brat". naturally funny with a weird sense of humor, jakob is overwhelming during the first meeting as he exudes too much energy and is rather too friendly for someone you met a few seconds ago. having a wide range of connections, he seems to be friends with everybody from the small town of tolstone, except for grumpy adults who can't stand him. not only does he offer the brightest and widest smile and odd yet funny jokes, he also offers the best memes to brighten up your day. oddly enough, he seem to be friends with anyone but he actually consider a few people to be his real friends. the reason? he has an invisible wall that he build around his personal self. funny how he loves sharing his day to day life on social medias and vlogs, jakob hides a few secrets specifically hiding in the closet and afraid of criticisms. 

01: 34  a wise man once said, "due to personal reasons, i'm baby" and after that vulgar statement, jakob was blocked in all social media platforms by his friends.  

being a libra inherently defines him as he is incredibly charming, entertainting, quick witted but hard to pin down. jakob is a pacifist and dislikes conflict - he will go to any lengths to avoid confrontation and is rather scared to go head to head with someone, considering how his emotions are actually fragile and sensitive. although being called "annoying" at most times, that term being thrown at him doesn't wound his sensitive emotions because he admittingly knows his upbeat personality annoys some people and sometimes, he does act dumb on purpose just to bring smiles and laughter to the people around him. he seeks to bring people into a fits of wheezing laughter. he's an absolute people pleaser and easily gets upset when he did not achieve on putting a smile on someone's face. he's simply vulnerable to criticism. 

02: 28  if you want to know what jakob's up to, just check his snapchat which, by the way, he religiously updates and still takes snap streaks seriously. ew! he's still stuck in 2016.

jakob has the need to hear and see a great deal of appreciation. if their efforts go unnoticed, he may start fishing for compliments, in an attempt to get reassurance of how much they are valued. needy and somehow clingy, this somehow adds up his annoying traits. he's that type of person who feels uneasy when someone leaves him on read - overthinking that the certain person he was texting with hates him.  trying to balance everything and please everyone; jakob often tend to be extremely indecisive as he is not be able to make up his mind. he never fails to have a tough time when he needs to make a decision and tends to cling to everything that he had for comfort. with the entire balancing act, jakob appears to be reckless at times. when he wants to do something or get something, he does not pay much heed to the aftermaths.

03: 51  in conclusion, jakob chen is an actual sunshine that you want to take care of — ha! said no one ever! okay maybe 50% if he actually shuts up for once— shut up chen! i'm recording something here!

tldr; jakob chen is an eighteen year old boy from tolstone that doesn't seem to run out of energy, jokes, wits and smiles! moodmaker, class clown and an adventurer — he appears to not take things seriously but he truly cares about his friends and the people around him. he loves being around people and making them happy, though he sometimes go overboard by not noticing his jokes have went too far. just educate him okay! 


background background here. since the characters are young, there won't be much to write here, but tell me about your character's school life in middle + elementary school, etc. + the places they've lived in. this box scrolls so write as much as you want!

lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. in fermentum commodo leo a placerat. donec scelerisque mi quam, et porta metus pharetra at. sed eros purus, vestibulum vel nisi sit amet, venenatis blandit purus. nunc elementum urna metus, nec convallis ligula convallis eu. aliquam rhoncus, lorem laoreet consequat laoreet, tellus turpis facilisis lacus, ut ornare ligula tortor ut ipsum.
trivia here.



back 2 hell school at summit high grwm
& vlog

583, 928 views

7:00 am  he sets his alarm at 6:00 am but always end up hitting the snooze button and after an hour of doing so, he's finally up. the first thing he does after getting off bed? good morning snapchat streaks! 

7:30 am  he takes up 30 minutes of his time on eating breakfast, showering and getting dressed. 

7:40 am  lucky him, summit high is a 10 minute walking distance from his house. 

8:00 am - 3:00 pm  duration of his regular school day.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm  since he doesn't have any extra curricular activities, he spends his extra hour hanging out with his friends before heading to his mother's mini chinese grocery store in downtown.

4:00 pm - 8:00 pm  he works part time in his mother's mini chinese grocery store, if there's no customers, he uses his time to film himself (imagine walking in to the store and seeing a clown behind the cashier, dancing to renegade — you'd yeet away from that store asap) and eats dinner with his mother aftwards.

8:00 pm - 12:00 am  he sometimes stays in the grocery store until 9pm. if not, he heads home by 8, immediately takes a bath and gets into his pyjamas. he does his homeworks first and gives himself an hour to study (or more, depends when he has an upcoming exam) and spends the rest of the night editing his vlogs and surfing the internet.

weekends  his saturday is spent on working in his mother's grocery store and on sunday, he just does whatever he wants.



ap psychology                          A+
ap government                         A-
ap calculus                               B-
world history                             B+
ap english literature                  A+
ap physics                                B-


GRADE here
SCHEDULE/lifestyle what does a week in their life look like? what extracurriculars do they have? tutors, sports, clubs, etc? what do they do in their free time/weekends?
TRANSCRIPT what classes are they currently enrolled in? you don't have to be specific, you can just say the general subject (math, science, etc) and state their grade from A-F so i know what their strengths and weaknesses are, and i can make up specifics for you! for an example, look at my app !! i went specific with the courseload but you don't have to :) 
SCHOOL what is their view on school (especially summit high)? do they have lots of school spirit or do they go to school every day as if they are forced to? aka what is their relationship with school in a nutshell?

scroll right for relationships.

raiding area 51 but our vp got 
abducted! *not clickbait*
hello, thank you for agreeing to meet me for an interview! i'm allie jeong from newspaper, and if you don't mind, please state your grade and name. answer here.
great! now, my story this issue will be about stress levels at summit high. would you say that you are stressed regularly because of schoolwork? answer here.
about how many hours a week do you spend studying on average? answer here.
what other factors in your life other than school gives you stress? answer here.
do you have a message towards the faculty at summit high about students and stress levels? answer here.
thank you for your answers, and you're free to leave! please look forward to next month's issue of the summit gazette. answer here.
comments here !! let me know any additional things about your chara if u want or let me know your thought process while creating your chara.........idk but i want to hear your comments pls
scene requests i'll do my best to fulfill them ^_____^


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i would give him all my notes for his memes—
jakob best boy best clown