Troublemaker on Valentine's Day

So for Singles Awareness Day, I decided to try a Hyuna "Troublemaker" look. I donned my cheetah print top (like her dress XD) and did my makeup like hers in the music video. Unfortunately, you couldn't really see it unless you were standing right next to me :/



(taken in the school hallway like a BAWSS)



(taken in fashion design)

Yes, I'm aware that my skin looks like ._. Personally, I like the second one batter. I'll try it again another time OTL Damn you, Kim Hyuna XD


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H.O.A.R. to the A. lmfao jkjk ♥ honestly, i prefer the 1st one 0.0 but the second one gives you eyes that you no haz~ lolol my maknae is adorable ♥
I like the second better too. Your eyes are your best feature I think!