I Guess I'll Update You All On My Day...

Valentine's Day. I never particularly felt any attachment to it. That's because I've never felt something for anyone before on Valentine's Day.

That was until this year.

There's someone very special to me. He might not ever know who I am, but he means absolutely everything to me.

I was telling someone at lunch about his condition, and out of no where, I just start to bawl. My other friend tries to comfort me, but the damage was done.

That one person I want to wish a Happy Valentine's Day is sick. No one wants that for someone they love. So I've been praying for Woo Jiho's health all day. Thank you for everyone who joined the efforts ♥

And so I left for my teacher's husband's viewing. Gosh, that place was packed. I got there early enough to be one of the first people into the room to pay respects.

I went by myself because I felt that my brother should stay home with my parents. I could tell my mom was on the fence about going. She lost her mother a while ago to illness, so she didn't really find it to be her place. She sent me with prayers.

So I'm literally the next person in line to pay respects to my teacher. She's holding her 1 year old son, the most precious thing ever, and you know what he does? He leans over and points towards that coffin and shouts...

"That's DaDa!"


You'd have all been impressed by my facade. I pay respects to my teacher, who was doing marvelously, by the way, and his parents and pray for him. I stay out in the halls with a few other members of my dance school.

Then her son starts to walk around the lobby area. Obviously followed by another family member, he walks in front of one of the owners of my dance school. He falls in front of her, and when she goes to pick him up, he makes this face like "the fuq is this chick?" It was precious.

So I step in to help him up. He turns and looks at me, and dude, he smiles a bit, and reaches his arms up for me to pick him up and hug him.


I pick him up for a minute before he decides it's time to parade the room and look cute again, so I let him down. The woman (aka owner I just mentioned) leans over to me in tears and says, "He looks just like his father. That's a wonderful thing. And there's nothing wrong with him saying 'DaDa'."

THAT'S when I decide to leave. I barely make it out of the home, I have to sprint to my car because I'm falling apart. I just kinda sat there and sobbed for a good few minutes before I realized I had to go pick my brother up from a friend's house.

So that almost entirely sums up the awful Valentine's Day. One more thing happened to add the cherry on top.

I was taking a pre calc test (that I feel I did horribly on because my teacher ), and in walks this kid, John. He's carrying a box of donuts and gives one to some girl in the back. I don't mind. Then he gives one to another girl, then one to my friend, and is about to head out.

"Hey, John, where's my donut?" I joke. It's not really that I wanted one, I was just messin' with him.

"Oh, uhm..." he starts, looking around nervously. "Sorry, I only bought donuts for pretty girls-"


My whole class looks up from the test, staring this kid down. I try to retain my pride by responding with, "Oh, I'm not pretty enough to get a donut?"

"W-Well, I'm trying to prioritize..." he stammers, turning a little red.

And for once, I thank God for my pre calc teacher being there, because she said, "Is it possible for you to fit your foot any further into your mouth?"

In the end I got one, but that's not the point. ing awesome, yo. Got called ugly, went to a viewing alone, and found out that someone I care about has something wrong with him, all on what's supposed to be a lovely, romantic day. Eff yeah. Party hard.

So I'm listening to a ton of kpop, hoping I won't cry again and my headache will go away. Today's just another day in the books that I want to erase.

Neither is really working at the moment, but hey, a girl can always dream.

Sorry to burden you all with this stuff. I've just had a lot held in for a while. Hopefully I'll get to sleep over Lucy's on Friday so I can release some serious tension.

At least Umma's making brownies right now :) ♥


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Hanniex #1
Zico will get better he just needs rest :) and unnie i hope things get better XD
Oh my gosh, that guy said that?! What a jerk! lol wow guys these days...oh, that makes me so mad! No one should ever say stuff like that. Of all the things he could say, THAT is what spewed out of his mouth?! Ugh. lol thats gonna bother me for the next week.
And I'm so sorry about the viewing. Those are so tough to go to. I went to one a few years ago for my cousin. I broke down the second I saw him. His son was too little to really understand what was going on too. T.T
I would have been a blubbering mess the second that boy said "Its Dada!" I don't know how you were able to keep from crying for so long.
And I'm on edge about Zico too. Not just because of the nodules but because of his history of illness and his mothers messages. Its hard to believe someone so vibrant was so ill at one point. Also, I've been remembering seeing videos where you could tell he wasn't feeling well and his voice was raspy, it just didn't click until the news of him being sick. And he's been working so hard even though he's sick. But Zico is so strong, he won't let something like this get in his way. He's got a long way to go. ^^
I don't get why people are saying BBC's are overreacting about Zico. If it was their fav idol, they would be the same. People just love to criticize BBC's...
I'm so very sorry about your Valentines Day...mine was just uneventful. Hopefully next year is better :)
sorry for the long comment lol
The ? Imma beat that John kid. no joke. He called MY unni ugly? Y'know what? Imma just call Zico. he'll go all gangster on him, and I'll be on the sidelines with Lucy and Mickey unnis, eating a large bag of popcorn to enjoy the show >:)
key-xing #4
Unnie, stay strong and don't give up! Hwaiting~!
Dear, we know Zico will be fine cuz he never ing stops ._.

Or shuts up. But that's besides the point.

john who? Ima kick 'im in the nuts >:3
Aww it must be hard. I got a chocolate rose yesterday from a lady who was going around givin them to the people in the shops but I gave it to my little brother who wanted one.

Zico will get better in time :D
I'm so sorry to hear all of this :/
I cried too...love is so complicated....
I'll pray for Jiho and I agree with the below comment, Zico is a strong kid, he's not backing down this easily :)
And about the donut dude....a jerk...to say your not beautiful >.< that makes me so mad. You are beautiful and don't let a guy who likes to prioritize donuts tell you otherwise! God...I hate people who are like that *angry rant* yum brownies <3
It's not a burden, and I'm sure you're going through a lot. I can tell you're upset, but I think you should just let it out and cry to your hearts content. Crying usually makes me feel better, somewhat.
I hope everything gets better soon. I know it will.
HellsRainbow #9
I'm sorry dear...if it makes you fell any better, I was ridiculed and picked on today. But I didn't have to go see a dead guy...

I hope you'll calm down and feel better soon. We all love you <3
I send you my loves!!! Cuz I can ^3^ SMOOTCHY SMOOTCHY SMOOTCHUMS!

Don't worry Noona, Jiho will get better ^^ He's too amazing to not pull through like a pro :D