OMFG!!!! I have a choir name!! ADELE!!! XD




So, today I'm in my advance choir class, we just found out that we will have to do tribute to Withney Houston for our black history month program, cuz she passed away on saturday. We sang on of her songs on class for practice, the teacher, Ms. Powell heard me belt out a loud and high note, and she's like "Oooh! Girl, I'm going to nickname you Adele, becuase u have a voice as beautiful as hers.." I got embrassed and said thank you. She also said she wanted me to try out for a solo in a song we're singing for the program, so wish me luck! I have to be like Adele now!! Bye!!! :D









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creolediva3 #1
cool :) you must have a really beautiful voice~! <3
haha Mrs. Powell my school has a teacher with that name and i think she does choir too!! lol small world huh??