tw: brief mentions of mass shooting

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origin story

in the universe of earth-4516, the world around robin is falling apart. the city has gone to , the government is corrupt and what concerns him the most is how they have cut school funds to an all time low – he is upset, to say the least. however, robin isn't the type to stand outside the pouring rain to protest with sign board, nor is he the type to run for mayor. not brave enough to have hope, not courageous enough to enact change. so he does his part with his job as a full-time science teacher at the local high school; he draws the attention to the assignments and lab work, tries to distract the young teens from the horrors that happen outside the corroding school walls. while students discuss and gawk at crime syndicates and war lords that overrun the crumbling city, dear mr. blake shows an obvious disinterest to the chaos. robin does his best to focus on the daily struggles of life and not so much on the fact that people are dying and being left on the streets. he creates an environment in the classroom where there is no talking of the recent news of death or of the homeless students that sleep in the gymnasium whenever they can. robin likes to think this ignorance is for the benefit of the students, some might say that it is more so for him to avoid the fact that his wife and daughter were killed in a mass shooting at a local supermarket by the same war lords that are still killing for sport. it's been five years and he hasn't quite properly processed it. (world-building inspo: gotham city.)

this all changes when a terrible accident occurs in the lab. the blame is placed on a certain peter parker's science project gone-wrong: big explosion, glass everywhere – the whole shebang. robin had been checking it out when the accident occurred, and miraculously, robin survives the blast. luckily he had been the only one in the lab but what concerns him is that he did survive. next thing he knows, he is hanging on the ceiling of his office and then he's struggling to cycle to the parker residence, a quaint apartment which houses the scrawny peter parker, a nice kid who lives with his aunt may and uncle ben. robin plays nice when he is invited to join the family for dinner, until he gets time alone with the young teen. an interrogation ensues and one way or another, the two of them become unlikely partners. peter is the first one to bring up the topic of saving the city from it's impending doom ("mr blake, you could fight crime and save lives!"), which robin shuts down immediately. no way in hell is he going to attempt being the next captain america, does the kid even know who captain america is?

for the next two months, peter tries to convince robin to use his powers for good, follows him everywhere during school hours; he even creates a prototype suit for robin, in which he rejects due to how childish it looks. as robin spends more time with peter, the more he senses a shift in his life: peter provides this glow of optimism, he screams wonder and excitement – not to mention, the kid's pure genius. the more robin shuts the kid down, the more advanced the technology gets. something which robin doesn't understand: peter's resilience after meeting the face of failure over and over. robin doesn't get how the kid keeps getting back on his feet with the same level of hope. that's it: hope. this is the second chance that robin needs after what happened with his family all those years ago. maybe this is where he redeems himself, perhaps this is the least he could do for his little girl and the love of his life. robin finally submits to the persistence of peter and agrees with his antics. peter tears, just the slightest, when robin sits him down on his bed and tells him he thinks the suits and web shooters are "pretty cool". robin tries not to focus on the boy's eyes and they start work immediately.

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basic information
+ full name
robin jackson blake
+ age
+ faceclaim
ewan mcgregor
as spidey

spiderman is seen as a neighborhood hero – he fights petty crimes and rarely gets involved with large scale offences that have the whole city in shambles, unless peter convinces him to swing by and check things out. he has his reputation of being the nice guy that does the right thing; however he does have a streak of cursing.  civilians see him as a part of the community who has his heart in the right place but they don't idolize him. they just see spiderman as a guy in a skin-tight costume, maybe a madman who is trying to be the city's captain america. they don't go out of their way to question his identity, which spiderman is always grateful for. his biggest fans are mostly teenagers, especially from peter's high school as spiderman is often seen hanging around that area, this largely has to do with robin wanting to make sure nothing happens to the students. out of all of them, peter parker is definitely his biggest fan. even as spiderman's sidekick, peter hasn't lost his child-like glee over the hero. he plays a big role in suit upgrades and even training the man inside the suit; going for morning runs with the middle-aged man helps robin with keeping in shape and getting in-tune with his naturally increased agility.

the police don't particularly love spiderman. mainly because he gives them a bad name: he's always at the scene prior, appreciated by the public and seems to know how the police force works. the only reason why they let him off over and over is because he saved the chief's son from a crime lord that was out to get a million dollar ransom from the chief for the kid's head. and those mob bosses don't see spiderman as a big threat, yet. the do-good vigilante stays this nagging, little bug that is usually shrugged off, or swatted at. he is annoying and some want to catch him, some want to kill him and some want to see him stick around to watch what else he is capable of.

as robin

robin blake is a nice man, rough around the edges but still does his best at keeping his sanity in this time of chaos. at least, that's what people are led to believe. the man behind the mask is not as righteous as his spandex counterpart. robin often finds himself torn between doing the right thing and laying low for survival. robin knows what must be done, what needs to be done, but struggles with wanting to sit back and watch the world set itself on fire. he has a lot of suppressed anger, and issues with guilt from the loss of his family – the traumatizing experience causing the man to scrape his car and opt for a bicycle instead, not wanting to be haunted by the memories of his daughter giggling in the backseat and his wife turning the radio up in the seat next to him. he's a trouble man whose first instinct is to hide. by nature, robin is a coward with barely a strong enough backbone to keep him upright. as a child, robin always had trouble identifying with the body he's in; never knew who he was, always rather lost in the world. people have always enabled him to be his best self. be someone he could be proud of. and when robin met his wife, everything changed. she guided him along a path he could only imagine he would ever take. his daughter only added to the joy of living. they gave robin purpose. without them in the world, robin spiraled back into his old self. he became the shell of the man clara made him.

then an explosion of venom and peter parker came along in a neat package full of surprises. full of lessons robin never knew he could have learnt from a sixteen year old. robin doesn't want to do the 'hero thing', but yet he does because it's the next right thing. it is what peter has taught him over the past year and a half of getting to know him. and so far, it hasn't failed robin. the boy has shown robin more mercy than this life has ever shown him. the support of someone who will always believe in you is something even more powerful than any superhuman ability the spider venom gave robin. it allows him to believe in himself. to find purpose and meaning to life without his family; to find himself. in some ways, spiderman saved robin as well. every day, spiderman saves robin from spiraling and turning to anger. spiderman allows robin to channel his energy into something bigger than himself and his misery. like most who idolize spiderman, robin, too, wants to be spiderman.

+ suit

it's a classic suit with a darker twist. deeper red and a dark navy blue. it has a built-in in-ear for communication between robin and peter, who mostly updates him on the state of the suit while completing his homework of the day. it is made of a heavy duty material, however it lacks any real protection from blades and bullets. the suit is equip with web shooters and brass knuckles for hand-to-hand combat. (suit inspo: andrew garfield's suit in the amazing spiderman.)

+ powers

robin got his powers from peter parker's vile of illegal spider venom and other chemicals a year ago. so he has a significant increase in strength, speed and agility. he also has superhuman endurance and is able to cling to walls. and of course, he has spider senses; increasing sense of intuition, balance and  equilibrium. however he doesn't heal as quickly as other spider-people because of his older age. robin mostly fights through the pain and does it the old fashioned "i could do this all day." way.

+ past

before settling for his job as a teacher, robin initially was a police officer on the field. it was when he found out how corrupt the government was that he quit. another reason was because of his newborn baby. due to this, robin has knowledge of combat skills (which is why he prefers hand-to-hand combat, he also isn't the most graceful.) and knows his way around the city.

+ soft spot

whenever it involves young people and children, robin wastes no time to get involved. doesn't matter how big the crime is or how large of a threat the man behind the chair is, robin will do whatever it takes to save them and get them out of trouble. this includes teenagers who are caught stealing or fighting; robin tries his best to convince them to do something better with their lives. if all fails, he knocks them out cold and leaves them at their family's doorstep.

+ family

clara blake was a local baker and wife to robin. who provided him with the balance he needed, was where his sense of right and wrong came from. together they had their daughter: cassandra blake, who would have been peter's age if she did not perish with her mother one evening at the supermarket. wrong place, wrong time.

by writer
+ faceclaim

tom holland as peter parker
nicole kidman as clara blake
elle fanning as cassandra blake reason why i went indepth in these characters is because, like it was suggested, robin is very dependant on the people around him. and i also thought it would be interesting if robin were to meet peter and his family in another universe.

+ plots

what i had in mind was that in simon's earth, peter and cassandra are his old classmates and they are getting married soon. robin has his moment of looking through a 'glass window' and watches the ceremony, sees himself as captain robin blake of the police department walking his daughter down the aisle... of course this is rather detailed but i just wanted to introduce the idea to get the spark of inspiration going.

+ robin

i would say im rather invested in robin's story and his redemption arc. he adds a little darkness of a story related to the spiderverse with his inner turmoil and how being the hero doesn't come to him naturally. plus he's a subtily-fiery middle-agged man in sandex. if there are any need for clarifications or even wanting to go further into detail about his character, i'd love exploring that together! thank you for reading so far. it was a challenge to do world-building, hero's journey etc all in one but thank you for giving me this opportunity as a writer!!


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