What am I supposed to do????

So I graduated Bachelor last year and I plan on continuing my study this year.

I know some might not understand my dilemma right now but I've been so stressed out over this for God knows how long. 


So for Master's degree, I've been planning, writing Personal Statement and Study Plan on what I am interested in which is Clinical Nutrition.



My dad has been pushing me into going for medical school. I told him I don't think I can handle it but he gave me a disappointed face. Which is why I am currently torn between fulfilling my dad's dream or just do whatever I want to do. 


But like, for my studies, I've been told that without my dad's blessing, I might not succeed. But at the same time, if I decided to go and study what my dad wants me to, I might end up disappointing him by getting terrible results...


I just don't know what to do anymore :(


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