Grammy's (a long post)

So, I watched the Grammy's that I had taped last night. Did anyone else watch it? What did you think of it? 

Here is my thoughts of it. As seeing that I had stopped watching the Grammy's due to many of the singers I grew up listening too either died or stopped singing, I have no reason to watch it anymore. Which is pretty much the same reason why I stopped listening to country music and stopped watching the country music awards. The old artists are no longer on there, and it's all about the "new" music. Out the with "old" and in with the "new". I never cared for the new country music anyway. 

Sorry, I'm getting off track. Anyway, the Grammy's were okay. A little boring though until it got to Lil Naz X. I know I'm going to get flack for this, but it's my opinion. Lil Naz X will never be a country singer. You can dress him up to look like a country singer and have a song with a twang, he'll never be country. If rap graces a country song, it is NOT a country song. Rap has never been in a country song and it doesn't belong in one. Call me old school, but I grew up with the country greats and they were awesome. Rap in a country song kills the vibe. The only reason why everyone considers "Old Town Road" to be country is because it has horses, tractors in it. But, that doesn't mean anything. 

In the olden days, country songs sung about trains, prison, bars, pick-up trucks, dogs, barfights, cheating on someone and sad songs. Nowadays, those things are replaced with love songs. Even traditional Christmas songs seem to have rap in them now, which just screws up the whole song. 

I've been hearing "Old Town Road" everywhere I go, but it doesn't phase me. I'm not into it and never will be. I've heard RM's version and it's nice, but again, it's a song that I'll never put on my playlist whether it's sung in American or Korean. 

Again, if you like the song and Lil Naz X, that's fine. But, I'm just saying that he would do better singing rap instead of trying to act like he's country.

Oh, and I also have to add that when BTS came on, I didn't see them as backup dancers, but man I could not hear RM or any of the BTS members. The music was WAY too loud. So, that was VERY disappointing. 

So, again with my question, if you watched the Grammy's what did you think of the award show? What did you think of Lil Naz X and BTS on the same stage?





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I liked the performance it was very intricate and entertaining, however I do agree with the fact that country isn't Lil Nas X's genre but some other form of a subgenre of hiphop is, and this is coming from a fan of his music. I mean whatever kind of music it is it still music and I basically listen to any genre of music anyway, as long as it sounds good or appeals to me. But yeah... I also couldn't really hear RM or the rest of BTS over music and didn't think anything of it cuz I thought it was just me having a hard time hearing over my brother and sisters fanboying/fangirling over them in the moment. Aside from that I thought the Grammy's performances were all pretty great but I felt like the academy rigged things up like usual. Can't say I was surprised, because by now everyone should know that the academy is just a bunch of ignorant men who think they know "music". Like I love many of the artist who performed and/or were nominated (Lizzo, Billie Ellish, Ariana Grande, H.E.R., Tyler, the Creator, etc.) but the academy could have fairly distributed the some awards better in my opinion. So...yeah. Also being raised in Texas, I know what I like to hear when it comes to country music so I also agree with your take on country I prefer listening to some classic George strait and Randy Travis but Chris Stapleton is really good too. (I like the blues as well~)