Yay chent

I'm so happy for Chen and his love. You could tell from the letters that he really loves her and that he would do anything for her. She makes him happy and as a fan all I ask for is for my idols to be happy in a relationship and healthy. I can never see myself being jealous of someone that makes them happy. I can't fathom how Koreans fans mind work as though you guys are entitled to say who they can and can't be with. They don't belong to you or anyone but themselves. Chen and his love have my full support and love. I'm praying for a happy wedding and safe delivery. The only thing I'm worried about is saesangs finding out information and doing something to her I hope he moves her to safer location as his passport information was leaked and we all know exactly how crazy they will go. I don't want anything to happen to her or their kid because I know that who tear him apart. The joy I'm feeling is crazy right now I can't stop smiling. This is being a true fan is. It's about feeling excitement for your artists starting a new life. I can't wait for him to begin the journey that is parenthood and a life as husband and wife. 


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