Where have I been? What about Phantom Thief? Why no updates?

Hi guys! It's been a really... really, really, really, reeeeally long time. Longer than any other time it took me to update. I wasn't planning on explaining things but after receiving a recent comment, I feel like I have to fill you guys in at least a little bit.


As you know, I haven't updated all year. Which I'm really sorry about. I know how much you guys love this fic, (I still can't believe how much love you guys throw at my writing even though I'm lacking) and I know how much you anticipate updates for it. As much as I want to update for guys, I do have periods where my motivation to not only write but to do anything, is just lost to me. So I just push away everything and do just that, nothing. I'm still working on that. In 2020 it's gonna be one of my goals to fight that part myself and work on my mental health. That being said, it's also a goal to take care of my physical health a well because I haven't done so in a very long time. 


About midway through 2019 I started to feel really off, then feeling off turned into bad abdominal pain, to hey you something inside you that needs to be taken out right away, to sorry when we took it out, it ruptured, now you have cancer. I just started chemo 2 weeks ago. It's been a pretty rough year for me, maybe not as bad as 2018 (honestly I don't remember anything from 2018 other The Story of Light) but still pretty rough. Trust me, I'm always thinking about Phantom Thief. I go to that world sometimes when I need an escape but as far as getting on my computer and typing out what it's in my head... It's hard.


So what does that mean for Phantom Thief? 


I AM GOING TO FINISH PHANTOM THIEF. I have to, I'm Capricorn for god's sake. Lol It's gonna get done. BUT, I won't be updating it. When it's finished, I plan on doing one last update to post the completed story onto this site. Unfortunately, doing it that way means I have no idea when the final update will come but do know that IT WILL COME. I promise. I'll do one last short update for you guys because I am laying all this on you suddenly and you at least deserve one more update before I go on hiatus again. I also think where I've stopped in the story recently is a good place to stop for a update hiatus.  


I wanna thank you guys for following this story I've created. Honestly, if it wasn't for you guys I would have never thought to expand the Phantom Thief world as far as I have. (^-^) Even through the tough times writing this fic, it was still fun and I'm mostly proud of what I've created. Mostly. Lol I'll see you guys when I see you, and Happy New Year! Please, please, PLEASE take care of yourselves in 2020 and in all the years to come. Love you guys!

~Forever 5HINee ( ^,^) BOOP!..... ( 6v6) beep.


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2512121_2021147 #1
I miss you. How are you?
Taeminahhh #2
I miss you my friend. I hope you're doing alright. Please stay safe during the time of Covid 19. Love you
Yifantaesy #3
Thank you for explaining why you've been missing. Just know that bad times never last. This too will pass no matter how long it takes. Take care.

I know you're Taemin's fan. How do you feel about SuperM. I know I'm so excited for him!
dawnsun #4
Thanks for letting us know what's been going on with you. I'll pray for you to get well.
2512121_2021147 #5
The good thing is that cancer can be beaten. Don't lose hope. I hear that chemo can be hard to deal with but don't give up until you are alright. Love you.
kellykeyes #6
Thanks for replying to my text. You remind me of John Donne, the poet who wrote On His Blindness. He was a good writer but he became blind, a terrible thing to happen to a writer. He didn't give up. I'm happy you didn't give up as well. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Taeminahhh #7
Why did this have to happen to my favorite author? I'll be praying for you. Thanks for the double update. You're amazing! Not only because of the way you write but because you were kind enough to update this story when we would have been okay to let you take the time off after hearing your story."Life experiences is what makes the heart stronger" - a quote from chapter 3 of Phantom Thief.
Taeminahhh #8
Why did this have to happen to my favorite author? I'll be praying for you. Thanks for the double update. You're amazing! Not only because of the way you write but because you were kind enough to update this story when we would have been okay to let you take the time off after hearing your story."Life experiences is what makes the heart stronger" - a quote from chapter 3 of Phantom Thief.
taekris #9
You are one of the authors that have been able to cheer me up through my darkest days. Sometimes as readers we forget that you are also human. You also go through the toughest times in life. It must be really hard to deal with this tragedy but I'm glad you're receiving treatment. If you need to go on hiatus, please do. Stories can wait but your healing can't. Please take care of yourself. Stay strong and positive. May 2020 be the year of healing for you. I love you *hugs and kisses *