( ^ω^ )—> new year

(≧∀≦)—> omo! i know i’ve been gone for a long time but you guy are truely amazing! much love to those who have comment and follow and read my stories! thank you so much!! i know i’ve been on hiatus for month but i do want to say thank you to all of you! i plan to be back this year! 

☆〜(ゝ。∂)—>it’s been ridiculous the amount of support i got for all of my stories through out this year!! including my first try at a multi-chapter fic that wasn’t a series of one shots. you guys are super patient and i know my grammer but i’m working at it and getting better!! i don’t have any official ‘friends’ on here but i luv all of you who have suppor me!! so thank you! 

(_ _).。o○—> so on the side note i was diagnose with chronic exhaustion and migraine. so that’s where i’m at right now! which is why i’m so thankful at you all patience!! BUT i’m going to press mysel and hopefully put out a fic by the new year!! i still struggling but (`_´)ゞi will do this at all costs :)!! 


(^O^) have great holiday everyone (^O^)


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