Kang San.
Birth Name:  Kang San
Birth Date: 07/06/2003
Age: 16
Birth Place: Busan, SK
Other places of Lively-Hood: N/A
Ethnicity: Korean
Nationality: Korean
Faceclaim: Lee Daehwi (Park Minhyuk)
Height: 174cm  
Weight: 50kg
Apperance: San is thin and slight in every part of his body. Thin arms, small ribs (seen poking through his skin), slim legs, etc. This is partly due to his genes and partly due to the idol diets. He's almost sickly thin, but with clothes over it it looks good, it looks perfect. That's what the manager says, at least.
Style: San likes what's trendy, though he doesn't like to admit it. He also really likes dressing fancy and looking sharp and wearing the kind of ostentatious outfits one would never get to wear in normal life.

San is a ball of confidence and charisma. He adores attention, many of his mannerisms and hobbies were created solely for the purpose of getting that attention. He loves spotlight, he loves being fawned over and adored, there's a reason he didn't take a single second to accept the audition for BBC. The spotlight is all he's ever wanted, and being a star of his school wasn't going to be enough. Being the star of Korea is a worthy follow up. He'll want to be the one talking, he'll want to be the one being addressed, he'll want to be the one with the lines and the killing point and you name it. He can be pushy and calculative in the way he gets that center of attention spot for sure, and who's to say he isn't good at talking and being friendly and personable and charismatic? But all of that attention and spotlight is all well and good but the restriction of being a trainee are stifling in ways San had never anticipated, let alone being an idol. The constant controlling, the rules, the constant same-ness of it all (another dance practice of the same dance, another waiting room where he gets to spend the next 12 hours doing nothing). San never anticipating that it might be boring.

The boy runs his mouth like no other. He's a gregarious one, able to keep talking and talking and talking until the breath in his lungs ran out. He has little filter though and just blurts out what he thinks of. He can be damned sassy and savage, which gets him many an adoring meme but might not go over so well with his actual group members. It doesn't help that he's very independent and self-absorbed and doesn't bond well with people in the first place, and the constant pitting against each other of the trainees only underlined that independence. San mostly knows shallow fair weather friends, he has trouble letting deeper friendships penetrate the layers of me me me. He can also be very insensitive and ignorant, San just doesn't know a lot of things about stuff like social justice or discrimination or other people's problems. He's a very priviledged Korean teenager raised in a conservative environment. He doesn't mean bad but there is definitely a bunch of internalized homophobia, racism, classism, you name it -ism and it's probably there. 

San is generally friendly and fun, he's good with people and if he's in a good mood he'll be a delight to be around. Probably too chaotic and rebellious for any of the management or leaders to really appreciate, but for his peer he's a ball of energy always ready to cause some chaos, especially when he's bored, and he gets bored easily. Why are you asking him to practice the same dance for the 40th time today oh my god if he died today he could dance to the song in his grave leave him alone. He's very temperamental and his mood can go from good to dark in an instant. He's also extremely dramatic about everything whether he's in a good or bad mood and has a tendency to make things about him. He's a stubborn thing with a rebellious streak, he hates being told what to do and can be rather like a cat threatening to throw over a glass of water in response. San raises his paw."No!" you'll say. San looks you right in the eyes and throws the glass off the table. He's grudging when you get on his bad side, something that definitely combines with his dramatics into the worst possible shape. He never lets anything go. Ever. Will bring up this one small ty thing you did 2 years ago as if it was yesterday.


San's upbringing is rather ordinary. He's a kid from Busan, raised on sea food and hardy people and beaches. His dad is a doctor and his mother a stay at home mom and he doesn't have any siblings, in many ways his life was a cushy one of priviledge an ease. He went to school, had his fair share of bullying experience but learned to cope with it by presenting a front so confident nobody seemed to put a dent in it. Bullies lose interest when the results aren't immediately noticeable and San got to twerk and be dramatic to his delight. What's more, he found that he got a lot of attention for doing things like feminine dancing, twerking, and being overdramatic for laughs. It was love him or hate him. Some teachers loved him for being a fun and cheeky little thing, other teachers hated him for being disruptive and loud. Some classmates loved him for being funny and sassy while others hated him for being weird and rude. San was fine with that. If you hate something that means you care too, right? That's the kind of philosophy he told himself he adheered to anyway.

He actually auditioned a few times when he was younger, in his early teens, whenever auditions spilled over into Busan, but he was always told that his voice wasn't one they wanted to work with. He had to make do with school plays and musicals and talent shows and festivals to get any shred of spotlight he could get and you bet he entered every single one of all of those. He was shopping on the street when someone approached him on behalf of Blockberry Creative, he was being scouted! San didn't need any time to think on it, he just asked the guy when he could audition. And so starts the tale of Nova.

- He's always slipping back into his Busan accent by accident.
- He is always serving face even if the camera isn't on him, and sometimes serving face means eye rolls and pointed looks and silent savegery.
- The girl group dancer. It won't be good but it will be passionate. San learned early on that dancing to girl groups got him attention.
-San is one of those idols who lists shopping as a hobby, but it's true he absolutely loves new things and pretty things and pretty new things.
-people always comments on how nice and thin he is (as long as he doesn't wear a tanktop), San doesn't care that it's unhealthy and will starve himself as long as it takes to keep that figure. 
- Loves loves loves bubblegum pop
- he takes a stubbor pride in not getting scared at horror movies or haunted houses, though he has about a medium tolerance for scary stuff and will try to pretend to hold it together much better than he actually does.
- he takes a stubbor pride in not getting scared, though he has about a medium tolerance for scary stuff and will try to pretend to hold it together much better than he actually does.
- He doesn't much like Seoul. The big city doesn't care and San doesn't like it one bit. It makes him feel like a dime in a dozen instead of the unique amazing snowflake he is. He hopes that will change as soon as stardom finds him.
- San isn't even really aware that there are other ualities than straight. I mean, he knows, sort of. He's aware that homouality exists an that abstract this'll never come up in my actual every day life kind of way. He could very well be gay, he's got many of the stereotypical mannerisms down, but he could also just be an overdramatic teenage dumb dumb who learned to embrace those parts of himself for maximum attention. Who's to say?
- He can't twerk but he thinks he can.
- He's not very smart, half because he's just not very smart and half because he never cared about being smart. There were so many more interesting things to do than pay attention in school. There still are. 
- Loves being y and doing y concepts no matter how many "but he's only 16" comments surface from netizens.
- He's surprisingly ok with losing, after all most of the time losing is much funnier than winning and he's always ready to entertain.
the bonds.
Ha Soljun - Definitely not his favorite person. San needs someone to play off of, he needs  someone to be his side-kick and laugh at his jokes, he certainly doesn't need someone who likes rules, gross. And don't even try to calm him down when he's in a mood, he's a teenager it's just going to make it worse. "When has anyone ever calmed down when someone told him to calm down??" No thank u. 
Talent Twin: Lee Sungjong
Trainee Years: 6 Months

Trainee Life: San has been a trainee for a very short time before he debuts. He'd done what he always does in new environments, be his own extra self and get people to love or hate him while he gave about a mediocre effort in training. Everything that's new has him put in all the effort he has to spare, as soon as it stops being new though San is out and off seeking every excuse he can get to not do it. Some of the staff might just be extremely frustrated at the scout who brought him in.. 

As much of a pain as he is, San was chosen for this project for his natural charisma and ability to entertain. He has the potential to be gold at variety if he just learns to reign it in, and you just can't fake that natural charm.

Skills: Girl group dancing, acting, a natural talent for being entertaining, twerking
Pre-Debut Experience: Do high school plays and local teen talent shows count?
Comments: Here is my rowdy boy, I hope you like him!
Scene Requests: Here
rararasputin, kili, 6/10


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