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Profile name: deathbyboredom

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Character Information 


Position: Intelligence Specialist (Special Unit)

Name: Iris

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance:Lee Da Som















Appearance: Iris, is a tall and lean girl with a rather muscular body for a girl. She has long black hair reaching down to her waist, with red highlights. She has milkish skin which looks smooth from afar.

She has a long scar running down her back, from her neck to the beginning of her hipline, which was given to her when she was a teen.

There is a birthmark on her chest, that looks like a crescent moon, which she isn’t really fond of. Iris has about three piercings in both ears and one belly button.

Her eyes are hazel brown and sometimes they look black becaue of  her black frames. After a lot of training and hardwork, you can see the result on her body which is fit and rather muscular. She’s about six feet tall.

There is a scar on her ankle which still hurts at times, but she ignores it. This particular scar happened when a mission went wrong and she was hospitalized for a long time. She still sometimes trips off while walking to fast.

Appearance 2: Jung Roo













Personality: Iris isn’t the world’s most friendly and caring person, but she is helpful. She’s more of a logic person, ignoring emotions. According to her, what doesn’t exist in science, doesn’t exist for her, which means feelings.

Her mind works like a computer and she easily understands the 1 and 0 language.She could easily answer puzzles and questions in a matter of seconds and Math, math runs over her fingertips. Science and History, have always been one of her favorite subjects and she welcomes all sorts of facts and historic mysteries.  Now the language of care, love and emotions goes 1km over her head. Unlike a normal human, her normal day goes by with waking up, working and reading, increading her knowledge data base, and ofcourse training.

She has a very weird taste when it comes to food. She can eat ice cream with hot sauce, chocolate with ketchup and she even dips her cereals in vinegar and even eats them like potato chips.She has a habit of going over stuff again and again, analyzing everything until every speck of doubt is cleared off her mind, therefore maintaining her image as the intelligence specialist.

She is very particular about things and hates untidy stuff. She is actually repulsed by untidy things and goes on a cleaning spree when she sees dirty places. When she joined the special unit, people were actually very particular of her technical behavior and kind of disliked how emotionless she was.

The only amount of makeup she has ever applied is her eyeliner and black nailpaint, and that’s all she wishes to apply.

She has a weird habit of just sitting on a park bench and observing people. Sometimes is strange having someone watch you, but after observing a person for five minutes she can point out all their flaws. She isn't the type who likes showing off their power just because she has it, infact, people don't really know her past or why she's so wierd.

She doesn’t understand emotions well, but it’s not like she’s a wax doll, so she smiles and laughs at some things. With her knowledge base, the only thing she lacks is a sense of humor. She just doesn’t understand the kinds of jokes that normal people do. Her jokes are more like a binary code, that normal people don’t understand. 

Iris has never been intimated by love or lust in her life, but only pain. She never felt seduced by anything but chocolates and only loved books.  Although she has a helpful side, that can be seen around lost little pups. She helps puppies because she sees herself in those big brown eyes.

Her vacations and free time usually are spent in world class libraries or maybe historical sites, digging out the ‘truth’. But her first priority is her work.



History: Iris was born is a traditional Japanese family, who were known for a lot of violence. Her real name is Takahashi Nomiko. Her mother died giving birth to her and so she was named the demon child. Her father, who was the second in line for the leadership of the clan, was a very violent person. But he never hurt her, instead her gave her training, not in love, but with the aim of assainating the clan’s leader and get the leadership himself. He didn’t care if she died killing the leader but she had to have the  perfect training to kill him.


So she trained. She worked for him like a doll on strings. For she never actually received love in the first place she lost that part of her that could feel and understand emotions. When the day came, to kill the leader of the clan, she thought she was ready, but she wasn’t. The moment she stood above the sleeping clan leader’s bed, she hesitated, and somewhere in her head, a voice screamed that what she was doing was wrong. And so she backed off, waking up the leader and telling him why she was here. The clan leader was enraged but he didn’t hurt her. She ran away, away from the clan and her father. Her father had to go on the run to, but he wanted revenge, so he began hunting her. When he did find her, he tried to capture her with plans to torture her, but instead she put up a fight. He himself had created a doll on strings who was way better than him.

So they faught, and in that gruesome fight, she earned the scar on her back. It was painful but in the end she had her father begging for his life on her feet. But she didn’t hesitate in killing him, after all he was the one who created the doll.

Later she began living in Seoul hoping for a better life and then she worked her way into the Special Unit taking the Intelligence Specialist post. She was quick in discarding the name Nomiko, because of its dark history and adopted her name new name Iris.



·         Chocolates

·         Books

·         Historical sites

·         Ice creams

·         Technology

·         Jewlery

·         Winters

·         Rains

·         Snow

·         Designer Journals (Only as a collection, but they’re all empty)

·         Eyeliners

·         Black Nailpaints

·         puppies




·         Crying babies

·         Faulty information

·         Dirty places

·         Spiders

·         Cobwebs

·         Cats (they hiss at her)

·         Bitter and Sour food.

·         Disco Balls (they creep her out)

·         String perfumes

·         Bugs

·         Summers

·         Sunlights

·         Humid atmospheres



·         Baking (she’s slowly learning)

·         Taking pictures of snow

·         Reading books

·         Visiting historical sites

·         Eating chocolates

·         Collecting Designer journal s and stationary

·         Helping lost pups (something that’s unlike her)

·         Drinking

·         Watching horror flicks (Oh how she loves the main heroin screaming after watching the ghost)

·         Practicing her fighting skills

·         Observing people.


Interesting Facts:

·         She likes to try and her elbow even though she can’t do it.

·         She has a very bad sense of humor

·         There is a crescent moon shaped birthmark on her chest that marks her family origins

·         She likes highlighting her hair, and till now she has changed it about 20 times.

·         The only thing she fears are spiders.

·         No one knows that fact that she killed her father back when she was around 16.

·         Can write with both left and right hand.

·         Has tried cooking but it was a complete disaster.

·         She is learning how to bake as it’s something that intrigues her a lot.

·         A great fighter and martial artist, but not many know that.

·         Lives alone in a mobile apartment.

·         Because of her intrest in historical stuff, she learnt Latin.


-Choi Minho of SHINee (a little affection, nothing big.)

- Cerberus (she isn’t exactly in love with him, but his violent and strange personality intrigues her a lot. So she tries to talk to him, but he’s ignorant -_-)


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