Dear my bij,

Devastated news.


My best friend just left the world forever.


This is too sudden and heartbreaking. It’s been a week and I can’t believe she died without me knowing 4 days after that. I found out from her ig, her sister take her ig acc and announce the devastating news. No wonder she’s not contacting me, she left me for real, forever. 




I can’t believe it. This is too much for me. She’s too young to left this world. She’s too precious and why? Why the damn accident take away her life? She just an innocent passerby who wants to go the library but the drunk man just crash on to her. She is not deserve all of it.


She’s working hard with her studies and yet the drunken man just take away my best friend forever. 


I don’t know what to do. I feel so empty and sad. I wish i can see her for the last time and thank her for always being here for me especially when my mental is not very good at one point. She stood besides me and always give me a strength everyday even we only met twice, since we’re from different country. 


How i wish i can rewind the times and hug her and tell her she’s the best thing ever happen in my life. 


To my bij,


Thank you for being such a great buddy. You confront to me that you know about my “dark secret” and assure me that you will always help me. I’m so thankful that you never give up on approaching me even after i curse you and push you away. Thank you for letting us become a very best buddy, thank you. 


I miss you. I keep reread our conversation and can’t help to crying every time i tease you, when you asked me to help about your thesis, when we fangirling towards snsd, when you cry because you’re stress with your life, when you happy able to meet me in real life, when you keep spamming me for not replying faster, when we crying together, when you happy with your examination results, when you console me everyday when I’m at the lowest point, when you encourage me to stay strong and keep making me laugh with your silly attempts. 


I’m so sorry I can’t attend your funeral on your country since i don’t have enough money to see you for the last time. I’m such a bad friend, didn’t even have an opportunity to see you but you know my situation right. I badly want to see you. We suppose to meet each other this month in my country and plans so many things. I didn’t know it will never happen again. 


Ah i miss you already. It will take more times for me to accept all this. I will miss our midnights calls when you always babbling about everything. I’m gonna miss that so bad.


Rest in peace my friend. See you in another life bij. I love you buddy.


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Wakakaboo #1
My condolences. I’m sorry for your lost. This must be hard for you. I’m sure your friend is in heaven now looking you from up there.