Boredom or Saturation Point

Hi,,, long time not write blog. I'm not so well. I get my period again. So, it mean I got my periods 3 times for 40 days, and 4 times just in 50days. It makes me so worry. 

But I come here not to talk about it.

Yeah... I just wanna write something so important when you in relationship. It is BOREDOM. I'm not sure is it feel bore to your partner or not. But, for me, it just Saturation point...and it like boom in ur life. It will make ur partner feel that you don't love her/him anymore. So, here you not only need communication but just understand and believe each other. Be patient, this life and it not just in a day, a month.... Some people bad at words, so when U angry or just speak random thing about what happens at that time (boredom/saturation point) it be careful, cuz both of you will can't control each other. People have emotional, egoistic so both of you will feel "I am the true one" or "I feel hurt" or "Yeah, just OKAY", so no one realize that you are in a BIG PROBLEM. When it happened, other people will be a good friend for you, but u don't realize that she/he just a new one. U feel better with her/him cuz U still not feel boring. Then, ur partner will say "yeah,..... Look, I was right. Look, you are with her/him. You don't love me anymore cuz other girl. 

And so stupid when you feel "Yeah, look I'm okay", then you end in the Cry like a river. 


So, the conclusion is, even I'm so hate of love plus commitment, the important is BELIEVE UR PARTNER. Even you make so many promises, planning future life, talk averyday until U never feel missing,,,, if U never believe your partner, it nonsense. 

So,,, let's believe 


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