I'm a mess

Sure thing that people got a lot of things to worry about. I just wanted to feel okay. I mean I'm not even looking for happiness now. Just plain okay is fine with me. It'll be more than fine. I cant bother any of my friends of what I'm going through right now and I guess writing is my only way out. It feels weird going through a day that even the simplest task there is can't be done. It is hard to wake up and it is also hard to fall asleep. I'm anxious and I even freaked out when I ordered in a fast food restaurant. 


I love my friends but I feel like I am just a burden. They were extremely patient with me. All of me including my fear of a lot of things and my temper which I believe is way unbearable for a normal person. I miss hanging out thinking about nothing but fun. I love staying at home, cooking for pleasure. I miss everything I was but it's all in the past now.


I wanted to be stronger. I wanted to be better but I also want to say goodbye. 



-Juan Tamad


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Everything starts from the smallest step. Listen to Borders by Amber. Talk to a wise friend. Wake up early in the morning. Love people even they don’t love you back. Bark with a random cute dog you see. These are my suggestions
Hey... It would be cliche to say 'you shouldnt feel that way' but thats exactly what I would say to you right now, I know it isnt my place to force this thought to you, as they say "you do you" fammmm if I was in the Philippines I should taste your cooking xD... but hey doesnt mean itll never happen. Grab some "isaw" if you dont want to go to a fast food restaurant, oh mah gash I miss street food soo bad *drooling emoji*

-Busy BuBbub
Stop over thinking. Have a tea. Go out. Get a breather. You’ll be okay soon. 🙂
Take a walk and start thinking of how it happened then think how you could solve the problem by giving yourself options and weigh them then see if it works. You just need to take the first start then if goes right then take another step remember, there is always a way, dont run away from the problem but face it but littke by little