Some of my favorite f(x) songs or whateva.

So, I'm current in my f(x) feels and they're eternally locked in the SM dungeon. They probably will not be coming back. Where is the justice for f(x)??


Here is a list of my favorite f(x) songs in no particular order (again, don't expect me to do a music critic review type of thing):

  • f(x) - Beautiful Stranger

Okay, so maybe I kinda sorta lied about no particular order because "Beautiful Stranger" is probably my favorite f(x) song and I get strangely emotional over it. Not all of the members of f(x) participate in this song, which doesn't booty tickle me. I'm sure it'd still sound amazing. But damn, this trio is everything in this b-side.

  • f(x) - Dracula

I love this song, too. It just sounds bigger than itself and I'm a er for music like that.

  • f(x) - Airplane

I mean, this is a given.

  • f(x) - Toy

You know if you know. ;)


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OMG U HAVE TASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEAUTIFUL STRANGER IS GNEUINELY MY FAVE F(X) SONG PROBABLY??? also airplane makes me really emotional, like i'm about to make a big decision and fly far away. also toy and dracula are ksnakjsndaskj

how could u forget the iconic Nu Abo like it makes no damn sense but ughhhhhhh