Break the record (Aku selalu diputusin :D)

So, my friend asked me why my boss mad at me? I said I never reply her chat or pick up her call. Because I take my phone seldomly. So, my friend asked again... Wuahh... I know U always hold ur phone all day long. Whybit happened?

So, while smile bitterly, I said, I don't have any interesting in my phone except for loking for all about MINA. Then my friend smile while her eyebrows burned. I know what her means. So, in worry she asked, ur boyfriend will chat u and he will mad too then asked U 1001 question why I never chat him (literally she doesn't know about me).

So, I answered ..."oh. Good."

She said, "hahaha it ur way to asking his attention!"

"No", I replied

".....", She sent signal "why" to me by air.

"They (whospecial) always ask for break up, so no need to asking attention, without chat or calling.


"....." I don't know is she understands or not. "I never asking them breakup seriously," I added.

Then  she said, "so let's date someone then asked him to breakup first". So that U will break the record of THE FIRST WHO asking breakup of ur love story."




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well, sisi baiknya artinya kamu gk nyakitin perasaan mereka dgn mutusin mereka