Update on me! 6/26/19

So, I just wanted to stop by and give you an update on me and what's been going on.

1st: When my mom was in the hospital in April of last year, she found out that she has a cyst on her ovary. So, she was going through so many tests just so she can eventually get the cyst and ovary removed. She doesn't need the ovary as seeing she no longer can get pregnant. But, it is very nerve wracking and we know that she was be sore and won't be able to do a lot of things while she is recuperating.

2nd: This year, my mom went to the eye doctor and found out that her cataract in her left eye is getting worse. Once she gets finished with the cyst surgery, she will have to go get the cataract lazered off like she had the right eye done. She's got 20/20 vision in the right eye and will most likely have 20/20 vision in the left eye as well.

3rd: Originally, my mom and I were planning on taking a roadtrip to Minnesota, but as seeing the weather is so weird, that now we're rethinking about going there. We don't know if it will be raining, cold, or snowing when we go. We were going to go in July, but my mom's surgeries are more important, and we're not sure how the weather will be in August or September. So, we've decided to put a hold on the vacation until she's finished. We'll still take a vacation this year, it just will be later and be somewhere in Illinois...we still need to look at where we want to go.

4th: I was planning on leaving my current job and looking for a better job with more pay, but while mom is going through these surgeries I can't leave. So far, the manager is allowing me to take time off because he knows my mom and how close I am with her. Other jobs wouldn't be so lenient. 

5th: I still come onto Asianfanfics everyday, but so far I haven't been able to come up with any stories, nor have I been able to continue with my stories...though I'm not abandoning them, it's just that I need to read through them again and try to pick up where I left off.


As I said in the beginning, I just stopped by and give you an update on me and what's been going on. I'll try and come up with some stories and/or look over my other ones and try to finish them off. Though with all the doctor visits for my mom and the soon to be surgeries, my brain doesn't seem to want to work. Not to mention since I was in college, I had to stop writing for 6 years and because of that it's hard to get back to writing. Not to mention college really didn't help me much, except for doing better in typing. I took a major that I would never go into, because I at math and it would be a boring job anyway. Community Colleges don't usually have great majors, so I was stuck with the crap I had to take in order to shut my dad up. I should've gone with COD (College of Dupage) because then I would've been able to take the majors I wanted, but to do that I would have to pay extra because I wasn't living in the same district as the college. I could've cared less, but I HAVE to listen to my dad and brother, which pretty much was useless. COD has more majors than a community college has.

Anyway, I'm not going to bother you with my rant of how college for me, I just came here to give you an update on me. I'll keep you up to date on how my mom's surgeries went and when she'll be cleared to go on vacation sometime later this year.





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