Still here!

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone know I'm still here. I know at one point I was esctatic about going on vacation, but that has been put on hold due my mom having to go into surgery probably in July. Tomorrow she has to go through a Stress Test, and then they have to set a date for her surgery. Luckily it will be an outpatient surgery, but she'll be recovery probably for about a week to two weeks. Then, before we can set a date for our vacation, she needs to get a surgery on her right eye due to a cataract. She's already had surgery done on the left eye years ago, but now the right eye is having problems.

I wanted to go on vacation in July, but my mom's health is 100% more important than the vacation. We both decided to postpone our vacation until she is 100% better. Even if that means that we go in August or September.

I know I haven't been writing for a while. Many things have been going on and because of school, it kind of gave me writer's block. I have so many stories in my head, but I can't get one to become a story. So, I'm going to try and see if I can find one of the stories in my head and start dealing with it.

I know there are people on here, that have complained to me that I shouldn't use real life issues as the reason for not writing, but if they were in my shoes, I don't think they would be able too. There's no reason why we can't use real life issues as a means to not being able to write. My mind has always been on my mom instead of my writing. So, I want to try and get back into that. School was a HUGE cripple for me as seeing I went to school pretty much for nothing except to please my dad...not to mention the major wasn't even what I wanted nor was it a job I wanted. The stupid school has crap for majors and I couldn't go to another school because it would cost too much. 

So, I pretty much wasted six years of my life going to school and not getting a good major. The only thing I learned was to do better at typing faster and being in the Honor Roll. I know my dad wants me to go to a University, but I know it'll take me six to eight years to finish, and by that time, I won't be able to find a suitable job for that major. If I would've gone to college after high school (1996), I would be having a great job, but the economy was fine, and my dad didn't think we needed to go to college. But, now that the college I went too got rid of some GREAT majors, I pretty much jumped into the school without really reading and found a major that I wouldn't have been able to finish.

Anyway...I don't want to bother you with my drama any longer, I just came here to let you know that I'll be on here, and trying to find time and an inspiration to write.




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