New Story Idea

So I was watching this movie last night called battle of Demons. Which is so fricking good, (I recommend watching it) and it sparked a new idea within this think tank. It will be loosely based off the movie, as I plan on changing it up a bit.

Basically the summary of the movies: The demon breed cannot produce girls, so original demons are all males. In order to reproduce to keep the breed alive, is that the demons find human women who are pregnant and with their touch they leave their own personal marking, which are called Demon Brides. When the girls turn 16 years old, they are kidnapped and put in a school of fellow demon brides, demons, and unsuspecting humans. 

  • For starters the brides will be older. I'm going to make mine . Base it more into college. 
  • The demons don't choose their brides, their parents do. So it's more of a mystery as to who is paired with whom. 
  • No one knows who are the brides until they meet their partner or gets close to someone; keep the mysterious aspect. Could they be normal humans, or are they the brides? It's something that isn't known to one another. 

Gotta Come up with a little more information to go off of, but this is a hell of a good start for me. :) 



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