End Me Jihyo!

This is a bit late but Twice’s Allure photoshoots WOW!!! Girlies look so good I can’t believe and especially Jihyo! That hairstyle 😍 THAT STYLING!!! She looks so badass and I’m totally here for it. Like she could hit me with her car and I’d apologise for being in her way yknow. 

Idk how to add pictures on mobile, or else I totally would cause I’ve got them all saved 💀💀💀 Can’t wait for FANCY to drop all of the song or reviews sound so ing good akdkgjhnmshjd

I have no idea what a blog is for on this site but if I can use it to rant about my gayness then I WILL use it :^D




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Uionam #1
Hahhaahha i agree Jihyo is a goddess