If you're reading this...

I could have understood if you lost interest, or if you were too nervous to continue things but what hurts most was that you lied to me 24 hours beforehand about not wanting our friendship to end badly, then you just blocked me out of the blue and to top it all off you make up a halfass lie an hour later and when that doesn't work you try telling my partner another lie the next day claiming you never wanted this in the first place.

There was honesty from my end in the beginning, you knew what the situation was yet YOU continued, YOU asked to meet up first, YOU were okay to send a picture the next morning. Nothing was forced. 

I honestly wouldn't have cared if you just wanted to use me in that way but you acted like you wanted more and I know I'm worth more than blocking and a excuse. Grow up and don't make someone feel like for seemingly no reason!

And don't think you're doing me a favour by saying how awful you felt every time and that you think it's best that we don't speak again, I'd already made that clear.

I'll be honest though, it was fun while it lasted and if you didn't it up I think we would have had a good time if things continued but *shrugs* I guess...


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