I'm still alive, I swear

I'm still here. I haven't abandoned all of my writing. 

I'm just in a really stressful time of my life and I thought you all deserved an explanation for why I'm taking so long to update my stories. 

I'm in my final year of university. I'm working towards a Bachelors of Fine Art and I have my final exhibition in the beginning of May. My critiques (basically exams for art students) are in a week and I have three paintings to complete by then. I've been working on a 6ft by 4ft goliath for the last few weeks and I have two more to somehow start and complete in literally 9 days. It's crunch time for me. 

This is gonna sound like a whole lot of excuses, but this is also my space to just rant and get this all off of my chest. I've spend 8+ hours in my studio every day for the last two weeks. All of my creativity has been poured into my artwork and so whenever I do get a little downtime I have no will to write. It's been brutal and I hate it but I gotta do what I gotta do to get my degree. 

I thought I would also show you guys what I've been working on in terms of my art beyond the kpop world. I'm very proud of it so why not show off the progress right? 

The concept has to do with connecting the expectations of women during the 1800s with the expectations of women in present day. My figure is very much done with everyone's bull lol 

I hope you can understand my current situation and that you don't give up on me. I haven't given up on my stories yet. I promise. 

Things will get better hopefully after my critiques. Please wait for me!


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