Huge Freaking Rant

Okay, I am not usually the person to rant about things(on social media) since I try and keep things about my life to myself on here. I don't want my personal life to interact with my social life. But I am in a bad mood, I am sick, I can't do anything, so I am gonna rant about some people who are stupid. Yay. So much joy. 

So lately I have become more and more open to people in real life that I like BTS. I was a bit scared too since I lot of people hate it. I am not the bravest person on the planet so you can't blame me for being scared of the backlash. And lately, it's been happening. I have been called gay, a f*ggot, a lesbian(what is up with people using ualities as insults these days) a h*re, a crazy b*tch, etc. Even by some of my friends. Though with my friends most are just playing around it still kinda gets me upset. Like why should me listening to a certain type of music even MATTER to them? FIRST OFF it's not affecting them in any way if I listen to it. It's not like I am FORCING THEM TOO! I am not one of those people who blast music on the bus okay! It's not hurting them! And so WHAT if it's BTS? So what if it's a Kpop band? IT'S STILL MUSIC! It's the same as any other type just in a DIFFERENT LANGUAGE! Some will argue that "oh it's a boy band" WHAT'S YOUR POINT? The Beetles were a band of boys! One Direction was a boy band! It doesn't matter who the singer is or is they are a band or not! They are working hard every day to write that music and unlike some music I have heard, their music actually has MEANING!

AND NOW! NOW MY BROTHER IS GETTING BACKLASH FOR IT TOO! Because he also likes BTS but apparently it's GIRL MUSIC. A KID who was supposed to be HIS FRIEND walked up to him and said: "that's gay BTS is a boyband it's made for GIRLS". LIke oh! I didn't know music could just be for one group of people I am sorry! It's so freaking stupid! Why should they care what music we like? Why does it matter to them so freaking much? I don't understand at all.

I am sorry for ranting so much I just needed to talk about this


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shinyao #1
You think its bad in 2019? Should've been a kpop fan in 2009. I've been a kpop fan for 15 years now and back in the day the racist slur was A LOT worse than it is today. These days people actually talk about kpop and seem to know what it is. Back in my days people would reject it by default. And also: Let them talk. I learned its best to keep your kpop hobby to yourself and don't blend that with your contacts at work/school, etc.