I'm lost

Lost my way.. don't know where to go, what to do, how to solve things in my life.. I don't understand whether it was my fault or the other's.. I'm totally Lost.. and scared to death. I can't rely on others n I don't believe myself too.. I need to make a decision but scared that ppl might judge me, and again I don't wanna live this life anymore. I'm scared bcz again it might turn out to be a bad decision.. am I capable of living on my own?? Or should I just think it's all fate n let my pillow to dry my tears?? Is it wrong to ask the world to love me for who I am?? Or am I expecting too much...?? All questions from 1 year, n no answers.. I'm living in dark, may b ppl will get tired of my rambling after awhile.. but I guess I should make a decision soon.. to end all of this.. 


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I hope you feel better soon :( Even though we don't know each other, you can always DM me if you ever want someone to talk to <3