Challenge: Write X amount of words in a month [March COMPLETED]

First thought: NaNoWriMo??

Yes, and no. 

It's the exact same concept of writing in a month (this one, March). I'm just not focusing on one story and it's not all brand new writing. And the end of March is certainly not the deadline. [more or less it's not competitive as NaNo has turned out to be. I've also never participated in it since Nov is when I actually don't write lmao] I just want to track how much I write, weekly, within this month. Whether or not I actually reach my word goal doesn't fully matter; I just want to type and making this public will allow my brain to stay active.

Now onto the details for me



Month Goal: 30,000



Weekly Goal: 8,000 roughly

1st and 2nd: 5,788

Week 1: 3,928

Week 2: 3,272

Week 3: 6,539

Week 4: 3,377

31st: ^


Finish or get halfway done with first draft of WIP:LW

Chapters Completed: 4/??


Complete 4 or more OS's for OH


I didn't mange to finish one One-Shot, but I've brainstormed five. So I count that as a plus!



Selfnote: It's okay if you don't write on certain days. It's okay if a week's count is less then the last. You're doing this to see how much you write this month, not how much you can. Don't stress, enjoy and write ty chapters. We can go back and edit that junk later.


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Ooo this seems interesting