what would you like me to write :-D

hey pals!!! poki here (*゚∀゚) soo i wanna interact more with my subscribers so like. hi! how y'all!

im planning to write my next chonbike which is, you know, gonna be awesome. but you know i'd like to give yall some input in this and suggest me stuff! write all your darkest fantasies. if you're too embarrassed to comment here you can PM me if you want (•ө•)♡ you can also request for other pairings too but you know, chanbaek is always hot

blacklist aka stuff you can't request:

- (_ _;) now that's just purely nasty and not the nice kind of nasty

- ia. nope!!! or  

- umm that's about it really

so yeah!!! tell poki your requests (ㆁωㆁ*) do iiit


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