How to handle students who are very noisy and not participating

How can I handle some of my students? 

What is the best classroom management?because the one I always do when they are very noisy I shouted at them or looked at them very badly or Im glaring at them but my Critic teacher told me that I don't have any classroom management what can I do to improve that?

Any suggestions or tips ? 


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Jomaymayy #1
Thank you for the advice :)
I would recommend redirection. During my short stint as a full-time teacher, it was generally the case for me that disruptive students weren't intentionally trying to cause trouble or be disruptive. Oftentimes, they had attention deficits and behavioral disorders, and employing activities that involved group work (and allowed students to be active more often than if individual students were working alone or being called upon separately), or calling on them to answer questions and participate in class activities when I noticed they began to get distracted tended to help me.
Jomaymayy #3
Thank you :)
The first thing is you'll need to determine why they're not paying attention. The best teachers I know communicate with their students and understand their interests and best ways of learning. Yelling or glaring definitely only works if you already have a good repertoire with the students, and even then its negative feedback.

You should take time to talk with those students and try new ways of getting them interested. Are they disruptive because there's not a classroom routine? Are they bored? Have you not corrected and made clear classroom expectations and the ramifications of not following those?

I also recommend you speak to those teachers with more experience and who have a good track record. Most teachers I've known are happy to help each other if asked. My last piece is to do your best, and be aware you might never get through to some of them. And thats okay. You'll have good and bad years. Good luck!