I failed my Teas Test (entrance exam) for nursing and it feels like the worrrrrld just crumbleeeeed. I could take it again but only a few schools accept the second attempt for the test. They want the first test.  And since I failed the first one, i missed my chances in getting in some other schools... and even if i do have a chance of taking the exam again, I feel like it is over. I feel like I won’t pass it. I know it’s just Reading, math, science and english, but I still failed and i feel so bad about myself. I feel like I cant do it because the timer freaks me out. And i’m a slow reader and I’m really bad at problem solving and I feel like i need more than one hour to finish one subject especially math and reading :( I I I . 

Its making me feel really bad. If I fail again, I won’t get in the program this year. I feel like it’s gonna be so bad like so so bad for me because i really wanna go to school already. I dont know any schools who doesnt require Teas test in California either... But I just wanna go to school! T____T but I am so bad at studying the things that i’m bad at and i feel really really stupid. I feel like deactivating my accounts everywhere because I am so so depressed. 


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I understand 100% how you feel. I sometimes feel like a failure and my parents have got this fixed into my head that if once you fail you can't do it again! But it's a lie!!! You can do it. You have to have determination and then motivation will come. In the exam just go with the flow, don't think about anything...just the exam! And you will pass the exam. Don't worry!
Honestly I know how this feels and you probably feel so ing rn and I totally get that but always remember life does go on, you so got this sister!! Practice makes perfect okay, what you need to do is put yourself in a happy place and as hard as it sounds practice doing questions with a certain amount of time, I’m not sure how the test paper system works over there but if certain questions have higher marks go for those first so you can take your time on them. Also remember that there’s so many ways you can get your dream job! Don’t let this bring you down bby bean you can do this and deep down even you know it’s your anxiety of it getting in the way xoxoxoxoxo always here for you okay!
Would you get any practise papers for this exam?
If you do, then that's where you should start. Also keep timing yourself and once you feel you're ready, then do the exam again.
You can do this!