Getting back into roleplaying

Hi, it’s been too long! I totally forgot about this as I had my life interrupted two years ago lol
I have become a mom so that’s also the reason but because I’m in a program, I have legit no one to talk to...
I decided to try going back to rp and I’m going to be rusty!
if you have line, HMU
i wanna get line back up there with fb rp lmao
and kakao, ing lost my account because apparently I was gone for 2 years and it’s deleted now..............
lost all my kakaotalk friends........... not that it really mattered. They never talked to me anyways lmao
I also only usually rp jeonghan or ren so.... deal with it XD
my line is pandibear_tao
my kakao is unknxwn98


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topyong #1
This is so late but. I’m also trying to get back into roleplaying after like 5+ years and it’s HARD. Especially because I haven’t been paying attention to kpop that whole time either so I’m like “who are all these idols???” Lmao. Also, it seems like there’s way less roleplays out there in general than a few years ago, which is weird considering how popular kpop is globally now. Oh well. Let me know if you find any good RPs!
Omg hi i'm interested to rp with you. But do you mind if I'll roleplay Joy of Red Velvet on kkt?? I already found your account but I'm shy to send you a message hehe
Hello, there fellow Roleplayer. I was wondering if you're interested in joining PewPewPew Chat-Room. We are a group of roleplayers who want to meet other RPS, to spazz, chat, make friends.

Go to my profile and see PewPewPew story for further info!! I hope to see you there!