Lyen's Log # 6

Sometimes when my dad wants one of my brothers to do something that he knows they can do it but they are either too lazy or unmotivated enough to do it, he will use me as a trigger. For example, like putting up the fairy lights around our house. I have been climbing and clinging on the windowsill to put up the fairy lights for years since I am the only one who is not afraid of heights or going up our roof.  My brothers were having a hard time putting them up because of the weather and were upseat about it, so my dad had casually said,

" You can do it. Your sister is not very creative in something like this so you can do better"  

Its the first time I am hearing that and I was right there too. I was helping one of my brothers untangled the wires and I pretty sure my dad was satisfied of my work over the years. I guess not then. Well, he does that quite often. He knocked me down from the imaginary pedestal that my brothers had put me on in whatever politely degrading way he can find so my brothers will be motivated to do their work. I am used to it but it doesnt mean it doesnt hurt. 


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oh honey parents and dad's they are always like that .. my dad for instant: he never NEVER had told me that he is proud of me or ways prefering my little brother but my mom told me once he dont like to feel touchy about it.. I mean he eben expresses crying faces over my sister when Iam around and she isnt i think th3y sont like to show their emotions in a way