Exam T.T

My exam will be in a few hours. How do I even do it? I'm so dead.
Please, I need luck and miracle more than anything .___.
I hope I can at least pass the exam, just that.

everyone, have a nice day ahead!

P/S : Can see others posting Haefany fanfics, yaaay. I miss them so freaking much. But yes, I miss Hyukfany more :( Please have some moments at those upcoming shows. PLEASE HYUKFANY. You don't make me dump my Haefany shippings for this right? Heheh. Moments, I demand for that

P/S : Valentine's Day tomorrow :p Right. I'll be spending time in the examination hall on Vday :p Nevermind, I have no boyfriend. I'll be celebrating the black day (I think that's the name right? The one in Korea for those who are single )


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kyulovewook #1
I'm probably late for this but good luck on your exam..fighting!
good luck and all the best for your exam^^