VICAFE Forums is in need of help!

Hey all you AFF-ers and all of you non-AFFers! 

I'm one of the admins over at VICAFE Forums, we have been opened for quite some time, but had been on hiatus for a little while.
But now, we are going to be active and update you on the latest information on our f(x) leader, Victoria Song. 
Over there, at VICAFE Forums, Victorians can get to know each other and learn about Victoria more as well! 

Spread the love~ As we're needing staffs for the forum! 
-Graphic Designers 
-Tech Admins (We're using ZB) 
-Uploaders (Pictures, Videos/Cuts) 
-Translators (Kor/Chi - Eng. Shall translate recent news and me2day updates, videos on Victoria)
-Subbers (A team of subbers to sub Videos of our lovely leader) 

To apply please fill in the form below and either leave a comment (if you have an AFF account) OR email it to 
[email protected] 

I'm applying for:
Name : 
Online for :
Translates from : (Only for translators) 
Experience : 
Contact : (email/twitter/MSN) 
Comments : 

We're needing dedicated staff! 

-PROMOTE this link please! We really do need staff for the re-designing/re-creating the forum again~ 


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i'm sorry for not be active..but since you said like that..<br />
i would like to help though...^_^<br />
i guess i can't find the link...<br />
that's why i cannot get there..<br />
can you give me the link of the forum please??